
Official NodeJS library for accessing Upstox APIs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Upstox Node Js SDK for API v2


The official Node.js client for communicating with the Upstox API.

Upstox API is a set of rest APIs that provide data required to build a complete investment and trading platform. Execute orders in real time, manage user portfolio, stream live market data (using Websocket), and more, with the easy to understand API collection.

  • API version: v2
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.javascript.JavaScriptClientCodegen

This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project.


Upstox API Documentation



npm install upstox-js-sdk --save


Sample Implementations can be found within /examples folder.

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:

var UpstoxClient = require('upstox-js-sdk');
var defaultClient = UpstoxClient.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAUTH2
var OAUTH2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAUTH2'];

var api = new UpstoxClient.ChargeApi()
var instrumentToken = "instrumentToken_example"; // {String} Key of the instrument
var quantity = 56; // {Number} Quantity with which the order is to be placed
var product = "product_example"; // {String} Product with which the order is to be placed
var transactionType = "transactionType_example"; // {String} Indicates whether its a BUY or SELL order
var price = 3.4; // {Number} Price with which the order is to be placed
var apiVersion = "apiVersion_example"; // {String} API Version Header

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.getBrokerage(instrumentToken, quantity, product, transactionType, price, apiVersion, callback);

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://api-v2.upstox.com

Class Method HTTP request Description
UpstoxClient.ChargeApi getBrokerage GET /charges/brokerage Brokerage details
UpstoxClient.HistoryApi getHistoricalCandleData GET /historical-candle/{instrumentKey}/{interval}/{to_date} Historical candle data
UpstoxClient.HistoryApi getHistoricalCandleData1 GET /historical-candle/{instrumentKey}/{interval}/{to_date}/{from_date} Historical candle data
UpstoxClient.HistoryApi getIntraDayCandleData GET /historical-candle/intraday/{instrumentKey}/{interval} Intra day candle data
UpstoxClient.LoginApi authorize GET /login/authorization/dialog Authorize API
UpstoxClient.LoginApi logout DELETE /logout Logout
UpstoxClient.LoginApi token POST /login/authorization/token Get token API
UpstoxClient.MarketQuoteApi getFullMarketQuote GET /market-quote/quotes Market quotes and instruments - Full market quotes
UpstoxClient.MarketQuoteApi getMarketQuoteOHLC GET /market-quote/ohlc Market quotes and instruments - OHLC quotes
UpstoxClient.MarketQuoteApi ltp GET /market-quote/ltp Market quotes and instruments - LTP quotes.
UpstoxClient.OrderApi cancelOrder DELETE /order/cancel Cancel order
UpstoxClient.OrderApi getOrderBook GET /order/retrieve-all Get order book
UpstoxClient.OrderApi getOrderDetails GET /order/history Get order details
UpstoxClient.OrderApi getTradeHistory GET /order/trades/get-trades-for-day Get trades
UpstoxClient.OrderApi getTradesByOrder GET /order/trades Get trades for order
UpstoxClient.OrderApi modifyOrder PUT /order/modify Modify order
UpstoxClient.OrderApi placeOrder POST /order/place Place order
UpstoxClient.PortfolioApi convertPositions PUT /portfolio/convert-position Convert Positions
UpstoxClient.PortfolioApi getHoldings GET /portfolio/long-term-holdings Get Holdings
UpstoxClient.PortfolioApi getPositions GET /portfolio/short-term-positions Get Positions
UpstoxClient.TradeProfitAndLossApi getProfitAndLossCharges GET /trade/profit-loss/charges Get profit and loss on trades
UpstoxClient.TradeProfitAndLossApi getTradeWiseProfitAndLossData GET /trade/profit-loss/data Get Trade-wise Profit and Loss Report Data
UpstoxClient.TradeProfitAndLossApi getTradeWiseProfitAndLossMetaData GET /trade/profit-loss/metadata Get profit and loss meta data on trades
UpstoxClient.UserApi getProfile GET /user/profile Get profile
UpstoxClient.UserApi getUserFundMargin GET /user/get-funds-and-margin Get User Fund And Margin
UpstoxClient.WebsocketApi getMarketDataFeed GET /feed/market-data-feed Market Data Feed
UpstoxClient.WebsocketApi getMarketDataFeedAuthorize GET /feed/market-data-feed/authorize Market Data Feed Authorize
UpstoxClient.WebsocketApi getPortfolioStreamFeed GET /feed/portfolio-stream-feed Portfolio Stream Feed
UpstoxClient.WebsocketApi getPortfolioStreamFeedAuthorize GET /feed/portfolio-stream-feed/authorize Portfolio Stream Feed Authorize

Documentation for Models