Wordpress kubernetes with RDS (AWS SQL Database)

Setup the master slave configurations same as I mentioned in the https://github.com/devops-team-poc/Setup-kubernetes-cluster , but in this, I used the mysql Database for the storage and in this task we will use RDS in place of the MySql database


  • Then, will create the RDS Databse , Go to the AWS console -> RDS -> Create Database -> apply the Public access and Password for the same and other essential details mentions there, I have setup for the t2 micro size and taken the Mysql for the Database


After that,


Copy the endpoint URL , because it will be neede in the wordpress.yml file

after that run the command kubectl get svc and check the port at which the wordpress website is exposed and after hitting the website with the IP-Adress:Port setup the user and dashboard for the further process

Check the file attach in the repository , I have mentioned the username, password and the endpoint url in the file , you can use it as reference that how to mention

Then, create the file using

kubectl create -f wordpress.yml mysql -h wordpress-database.cj7cggiwxyqn.ap-south-1.rds.amazonaws.com -P 3306 -u admin -p

After that, to check the show databases


Here, we have created the database named as wordpress , now to check the tables in it, we will use the command show tables


now go into the tables of user to check if the user is create dor not , that we have created at the time of wordpress setup

use the command select * from wp_users ;


All the users are mentions here , that we creted at the time of wordpress setup.

For the Backup - Select the & days option while creating the Database and we can modify this even after the creation of the database


and if we want to change the version of the Databse after the Creation, Go to the databse and click on the database , you will find the Option of version chnage at the top


Final -
