
Welcome to the classic game of Rock, Paper, Scissors implemented using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript! This simple yet engaging project showcases the synergy of front-end web technologies to create an interactive and enjoyable gaming experience.

Key Features:

HTML Structure: The game leverages HTML for its structural foundation, providing a clear and organized layout for users. The HTML document outlines the game area, result display, and user interaction elements. CSS Styling: The aesthetics of the game are enhanced through CSS styling, making it visually appealing and user-friendly. Custom stylesheets are applied to create an intuitive interface, ensuring an immersive gaming atmosphere. JavaScript Interactivity: The heart of the game lies in JavaScript, which adds dynamic functionality. Through JavaScript, the game logic is implemented, allowing users to make their choices (Rock, Paper, or Scissors) and receive instant feedback on the outcome. Event Handling: Interactive features are facilitated by event handling mechanisms in JavaScript. The game responds to user clicks, processing their choices and determining the winner dynamically without the need for page reloads. Result Display: The outcome of each round is promptly displayed on the screen, indicating whether the user or the computer emerged victorious, or if it's a tie. This real-time feedback enhances the gaming experience and keeps users engaged.

How to Play:

Open the HTML file in a web browser. Click on your choice of Rock, Paper, or Scissors. See the game dynamically determine the winner. Repeat for endless rounds of quick and entertaining gameplay.