Weather API Project

This project is a weather application developed using React.js, where users can check the current weather conditions and forecast for different locations. It integrates with a weather API to fetch real-time weather data and display it in a user-friendly interface.


  • Current weather: Display the current weather conditions for a specified location, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and weather description.
  • Weather forecast: Provide a forecast for the upcoming days, including temperature highs and lows, precipitation chance, and weather conditions.
  • Search functionality: Allow users to search for weather information by entering a city or location name.
  • Location-based weather: Automatically detect and display weather information for the user's current location.
  • Responsive design: The application is designed to be responsive and work well on different devices.

Technologies Used:

  • React.js: Used for building the user interface components.
  • Weather API: Used to fetch real-time weather data for different locations.
  • CSS: Used for styling the components and layout.

How to Run:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Install dependencies using npm install.
  3. Set up your weather API key in the API configuration file or environment variables.
  4. Run the application using npm start.
  5. Open the application in your browser and start checking weather information for different locations.


  • This project was created as a practical exercise to demonstrate React.js development skills and weather API integration.
  • Weather data is provided by a third-party weather API service.