- 1
Spell check
#759 opened by royshreyaaa - 5
- 8
Hacktoberfest 2021! HECK YEAHHH!!
#713 opened by shrutikapoor08 - 1
- 1
Organize images and text in README
#770 opened by shrutikapoor08 - 1
Making a python bot for jokes
#520 opened by Azhad56 - 12
- 0
test issue
#704 opened by shrutikapoor08 - 2
Wrong typo in a joke
#556 opened by Aragami1408 - 1
Website for the Crazy Jokes
#628 opened by khanfarhan10 - 2
- 7
[DevJoke API] Write a script to parse the jokes from to a json file
#392 opened by MadhavBahl - 0
Now its 4 issues
#511 opened by Sahib69 - 0
More jokes please?
#406 opened by ForgottenProgramme - 3
- 2
API Idea
#391 opened by MadhavBahl - 1
- 1
Images sizes are odd uneven
#378 opened by kambleaa007 - 1
Cann you please explain this joke :P
#3 opened by adhbh