To build an AI-based classifier model to assign the tickets to right functional groups by analyzing the given description.
- In any IT industry, Incident Management plays an important role in delivering quality support to customers. An incident ticket is created by various groups of people within the organization to resolve an issue as quickly as possible based on its severity. Whenever an incident is created, it reaches the Service desk team and then it gets assigned to the respective teams to work on the incident.
The Service Desk team (L1/L2) will perform basic analysis on the user's requirement, identify the issue based on given descriptions and assign it to the respective teams.
The manual assignment of these incidents might have below disadvantages: More resource usage and expenses. Human errors - Incidents get assigned to the wrong assignment groups Delay in assigning the tickets More resolution times If a particular ticket takes more time in analysis, other productive tasks get affected for the Service Desk If this ticket assignment is automated, it can be more cost-effective, less resolution time and the Service Desk team can focus on other productive tasks.
- Well, we got a classification rate of 90%, considered as good accuracy.
- Python - version 3.6.9
- Numpy - version 1.21.5
- Pandas - version 1.3.5
- Seaborn - version 0.11.2
Give credit here.
- This project was inspired by Upgrad.
- This project was based on Upgrad's Tutorial.
Created by [@shrutipandit707] - feel free to contact us!