
the backend of TravelYaari Created using ExpressJs, NodeJs, and NoSql Database MongoDB (connect to MongoDB Atlas)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


the backend of TravelYaari Created using ExpressJs, NodeJs, and NoSql Database MongoDB (connect to MongoDB Atlas) The FrontEnd part of the project is avaialable at https://github.com/shsarv/TravelYaari-react.

To run this API, do the following: create .env with the following code (update credentials). Make sure to create .env in the root of the project,

DATABASE="mongodb+srv://:@.wf7c8.mongodb.net/?retryWrites=true&w=majority" PORT=5000 JWT_SECRET=Your_jwt_Secret_key BRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ID=Your_braintreemerchant_id BRAINTREE_PUBLIC_KEY=Your_braintree_account_public_key BRAINTREE_PRIVATE_KEY=Your_braintree_account_private_key

How to Create Credentials

For Database

  1. Goto Mongodb and create an Account https://www.mongodb.com/products/platform/cloud.

  2. Create a new Project named "TravelYaari".

  3. Create a new Cluster (M0 Free Version for testing/development) under TravelYaari Project and click on deploy cluster.

  4. Fill/copy the required credentials and click on create user.

  5. click on choose a connection method.

  6. you will get multiple option to connect to database. you can use any as you like.

  7. if you dant want to do much, click on drivers>> select driver (Nodejs) >> copy the connection string and paste it into the .env file in front of Database = __________.

For Braintree Details

  1. create a paypal account on paypal developer sandbox >> goto App and credentials and create a new app.
  2. copy the credentials .
  3. goto https://sandbox.braintreegateway.com/login and create an account.
  4. Generate new API Key and copy credentials to .env files.

For JWT_Secret

  1. use some random Character (just for fun, not recommended in-case of Production)

Then run the following commands to start up the api.

cd AwareWeGo-Api npm install npm start

PS- Order.js folder has sendgrid email service option which one can do using sendgrid for email npm i @sendgrid/mail and generatinf credentials.