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Geolocation-Weather APIs


  • PHP7.1
  • composer

API's basic general documentation


GET /geolocation
GET /geolocation/:ip_address
GET /geolocation/:ip_address?service=freegeoip
GET /geolocation?service=freegeoip
GET /geolocation/:ip_address?service=ip-api
GET /geolocation?service=ip-api
GET /weather
GET /weather/:ip_address

Sample Requests and responses payload

GET /geolocation
    "ip": "",
    "geo": {
        "service": "ip-api",
        "city": "Mountain View",
        "region": "California",
        "country": "United States"
GET /weather/
    "ip": "",
    "city": "Mountain View",
    "temperature": {
        "current": 13,
        "low": 11,
        "high": 16,
    "wind": {
        "speed": 11,
        "direction": 240

API's basic technical documentation

Routes: api routes are used within this API
  • routes/api.php
Controllers: Geolocation/WeatherController
  • app/Http/ApiControllers/GeolocationController.php
  • app/Http/ApiControllers/WeatherController.php
Services: Geolocation ip-api and freegeoip
  • app/services/IpApiService.php
  • app/services/IpStackService.php
Service Providers: Geolocation ip-api and freegeoip
  • app/providers/IpApiServiceProvider.php
  • app/services/IpStackServiceProvider.php


git clone repo
cd path/to/repo
composer install
cp .env.exemple .env -> if needed
php artisan key:generate -> if needed
php artisan serve
Boom! access API on localhost