Setup base application

Create project

$> mkdir infrastructure-app
$> cd infrastructure-app
$> npm init -y
$> git init
$> echo node_modules > .gitignore

Installing infrastructure

$> npm install infrastructure@1.2.0 --save

Creating app entry point


var infrastructure = require("infrastructure");
infrastructure({ /* This object will be initial config */ }, function(err, env){
  if(err) console.error(err);
  console.log("Application started");

Creating config folder

This folder will be bundled into large object tree and will be merged with initial config. 'structures' branch will define workers that will work in our application.

$> mkdir -p config/structures

Turn on the logger

The logger is structure worker, it's configuration is mounted here:


  "engine": "log",
  "options": {
    "sys": true

Running the application will show some logs:

$> node app.js
[sys]  [2016-02-02 22:35:54][logger]........................... options: sys
[sys]  [2016-02-02 22:35:54][application started].............. 55ms, process_mode: single, application mode: undefined
Application started

Choosing aplication mode

If we have property 'mode', mounted on our config root (initial config or config folder), a branch with such name will be used to patch entire config tree. It can be set in initial config or config folder. app.js

var infrastructure = require("infrastructure");
infrastructure({ mode: "development" }, function(err, env){
  if(err) console.error(err);
  console.log("Application started");

Adding specific configuration for this mode

$> mkdir -p config/development/structures
$> cp config/structures/log.json config/development/structures/

Then edit copied file to add more log options


  "options": {
    "debug": true

Using new option to output something.

var infrastructure = require("infrastructure");
infrastructure({ mode: "development" }, function(err, env){
  if(err) console.error(err);"log.debug", "About what", "Some value"); // <<--- 

Running app will show more our new log:

$> node app.js
[sys]  [2016-02-03 13:35:37][logger]........................... options: sys, debug
[sys]  [2016-02-02 22:35:54][application started].............. 55ms, process_mode: single, application mode: development
[debug]  [2016-02-03 12:54:06][About what]....................... Some value

Write a test

$> npm install mocha --save
$> mkdir test

somewhere in package.json

  "scripts": {
    "test": "mocha --recursive --colors --sort --check-leaks --no-exit --full-trace --throw-deprecation test"


var assert = require("assert");
var infrastructure_test = require("infrastructure/test_env");

describe("Start/stop application", function(){
  var env;
  it("Starts application", function(next){
    infrastructure_test.start({ /* initial config here (mode will be always "test") */ }, function(err, _env){
      assert.equal(err, null);
      env = _env;

  it("Stops application", function(next){
      assert.equal(err, null);


Turn off logger in test mode


  "options": {
    "sys": false

Run the test

$> npm test

> infrastructure-app@1.0.0 test /home/stefan/projects/infrastructure-app
> mocha --recursive --colors --sort --check-leaks --no-exit --full-trace --throw-deprecation test

  Start/stop application
    ✓ Starts application (52ms)
    ✓ Stops application

  2 passing (65ms)

Adding HTTP server

Installing infrastructure-express

$> npm install infrastructure-express --save

Creating structure config


  "engine": "infrastructure-express/engine",
  "path":   "pages",
  "config": {
    "http": {
      "port": 3000