
This is the code for "How to Make a Prediction - Intro to Deep Learning #1' by Siraj Raval on YouTube

Primary LanguagePython

on my emvironment(ubuntu 16.04/python 3.5.2)

use requiment_by_hand.txt


This is the code for "How to Make a Prediction - Intro to Deep Learning #1' by Siraj Raval on YouTube

##Overview This is the code for this video by Siraj Raval on Youtube. This is the 1st episode in my 'Intro to Deep Learning' series. The goal is to predict an animal's body weight given it's brain weight. The model we'll be using is called Linear Regression. The dataset we're using to train our model is a list of brain weight and body weight measurements from a bunch of animals. We'll fit our line to the data using the scikit learn machine learning library, then plot our graph using matplotlib.


  • pandas
  • scikit-learn
  • matplotlib

You can just run pip install -r requirements.txt in terminal to install the necessary dependencies. Here is a link to pip if you don't already have it.


Type python demo.py into terminal and you'll see the scatter plot and line of best fit appear.


The challenge for this video is to use scikit-learn to create a line of best fit for the included 'challenge_dataset'. Then, make a prediction for an existing data point and see how close it matches up to the actual value. Print out the error you get. You can use scikit-learn's documentation for more help. These weekly challenges are not related to the Udacity nanodegree projects, those are additional.

Bonus points if you perform linear regression on a dataset with 3 different variables


The credits for the original code go to gcrowder. I've merely created a wrapper to get people started.