
api link || https://github.com/shteyn/sPortal_api

Primary LanguageJavaScript

DCI Alumni Book

Website: https://alumni.digitalcareerinstitute.org/


Create a basic alumni book portal for the DCI Digital Career Institute with authentication and email confirmation, where user will have 3 roles:

  1. Public (view all students cards)
  2. User (personal profile with CRUD functionality )
  3. Super user (manage all users - Approve student/Reject student's request/Delete Existing Student)

Technology stack

  • MERN Stack (React, MongoDB, Node.js, Express), JS, JWT, Nodemailer, CSS (Bootstrap, Semantic Ui)


  * MongoDB
  * Node ^10.0.0
  * npm


  • Client-side usage(PORT: 3000)

    • $ cd student_portal_client
    • $ npm i // npm install pacakges
  • Server-side usage(PORT: 8000)

    • $ cd student_portal_api

    • $ npm i

    • Prepare your secret

      • The following should be added to the .env file:
        • JWT_SECRET
        • MongoDB connection url (example: 'mongodb://localhost/DB_NAME' or MLab URL)
        • Mail service credentials. In our project we used mailtrap.


  • $ cd student_portal_api
  • $ npm i
  • $ npm run dev

Client and server runs concurrently


Client-side Server-side
axios: 0.18.0 bcrypt: 3.0.4
bootstrap: 4.3.1 bluebird: 3.5.3
gravatar-url: 2.0.0 body-parser: 1.18.3
jwt-decode: 2.2.0 concurrently: 4.1.0
node-sass: 4.12.0 cors: 2.8.5
prop-types: 15.7.2 dotenv: 7.0.0
react: 16.8.6 express: 4.16.4
react-bootstrap: 1.0.0-beta.6 jsonwebtoken: 8.5.1
react-datepicker: 2.4.0 lodash: 4.17.11
react-dom: 16.8.6 mongoose: 5.4.19
react-redux: 6.0.1 mongoose-unique-validator: 2.0.2
react-router: 4.3.1 multer: 1.4.1
react-router-dom: 4.3.1 nodemailer: 5.1.1
react-scripts: 3.0.0 nodemon: 1.18.10
react-select: 2.4.2 uuid: 3.3.2
reactstrap: 7.1.0
redux: 4.0.1
redux-thunk: 2.3.0
semantic-ui-css: 2.4.1
semantic-ui-react: 0.86.0
validator: 10.11.0