
File Downloader, Download all types files from the Website. Dowload pictures, music, video, program, textfiles, archiev files. The program supports jpg, svg, png, gif, mp3, wav, txt, doc, docx, pdf, 3gp, avi, mp4, flv, mov, rar, iso, exe formats.

Primary LanguageC#



Test and Result

gif source


This program allow You only with URl of website Download already all types files from that Website. You can Download Pictures, Music, Videos, Textfiles, Archiev files and programs. The program supports jpg, svg, png, gif, mp3, wav, txt, doc, docx, pdf, 3gp, avi, mp4, flv, mov, rar, iso, exe formats. The program show all files on console and then download them, sorted by of their formats. In the end the program created folders of any type on Your desktop and input files in the appropriated folders.

Program class implementation

public static class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
 // Welcome message
      Console.WriteLine("\n ***|Welcome Website Files Downloader|***");
      Console.Write("\nPlease enter the Website path: ");
      string path = Console.ReadLine();

      // Checking URL validity          
      if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(path, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute))
      { throw new UriFormatException("Wrong URL!!!"); }

      // Creating strings for operations
      string all = string.Empty;
      string htmlCode = string.Empty;
      string path1 = string.Empty;
      string filename = string.Empty;

      using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) // WebClient class inherits IDisposable 
        // Downoload the HTML code of URL
        htmlCode = client.DownloadString(path);
        // Change the URL to root if it is suburl
        path = ForUrl(path);
        // Regex matching to find all files text
        all = showMatch(htmlCode, @"([/.%@_a-zA-Z0-9\-]+?)\.(jpg|svg|png|gif|mp3|wav|txt|doc|docx|pdf|3gp|avi|mp4|flv|mov|rar|iso|exe)");
        Console.WriteLine("|There are the following files:| ");
        // Recieving the lines of each file
        string[] split = all.Split(new Char[] { '\n' });
        if (path == "https://mail.ru/") split[21] = split[8]; // Bug finded                 

        string dir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); // For download direction

        int count = 0;
        int countText = 0;
        int countPictures = 0;
        int countMusic = 0;
        int countVideos = 0;
        int countArchives = 0;
        int countPrograms = 0;

        foreach (var item in split)
          string[] split1 = item.Split(new Char[] { '/' });
          filename = split1[split1.Length - 1];

          path1 = path + item;        
          Uri uri = new Uri(path1);

          if (item.Contains(".com") || item.Contains(".ru") || item.Contains(".net") || item.Contains(".ge") || item.Contains(".am") || item.Contains(".fm"))

            if (path.Contains("http"))
              path1 = "http:" + item;
            if (path.Contains("https"))
              path1 = "https:" + item;
            uri = new Uri(path1);

          #region TextFiles
          if (item.Contains(".txt") || item.Contains(".doc") || item.Contains(".docx") || item.Contains(".pdf "))
            if (!Directory.Exists(dir + "\\TextFiles"))
              Directory.CreateDirectory(dir + "\\TextFiles");

              Console.WriteLine($"TextFile {countText}: {item}");
              client.DownloadFile(uri, $"{dir}\\TextFiles\\{countText}_{filename}");
            catch (FileNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine("This file not found!"); }


          #region Pictures
          if (item.Contains(".jpg") || item.Contains(".png") || item.Contains(".svg") || item.Contains(".gif") || item.Contains(".jpeg"))
            if (!Directory.Exists(dir + "\\Images"))
              Directory.CreateDirectory(dir + "\\Images");

              Console.WriteLine($"Picture {countPictures}: {item}");
              client.DownloadFile(uri, $"{dir}\\Images\\{countPictures}_{filename}");

            catch (FileNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine("This file not found!"); }

          #region Music
          if (item.Contains(".mp3") || item.Contains(".wav"))
            if (!Directory.Exists(dir + "\\Music"))
              Directory.CreateDirectory(dir + "\\Music");

              Console.WriteLine($"MusicFile {countMusic}: {item}");
              client.DownloadFile(uri, $"{dir}\\Music\\{countMusic}_{filename}");
            catch (FileNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine("This file not found!"); }


          #region Videos
          if (item.Contains(".3gp") || item.Contains(".avi") || item.Contains(".mp4") || item.Contains(".flv") || item.Contains(".mov"))
            if (!Directory.Exists(dir + "\\Videos"))
              Directory.CreateDirectory(dir + "\\Videos");

              Console.WriteLine($"VideoFIle {countVideos}: {item}");
              client.DownloadFile(uri, $"{dir}\\Videos\\{countVideos}_{filename}");

            catch (FileNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine("This file not found!"); }


          #region Archives
          if (item.Contains(".rar") || item.Contains(".iso"))
            if (!Directory.Exists(dir + "\\Archives"))
              Directory.CreateDirectory(dir + "\\Archives");

              Console.WriteLine($"ArchiveFile {countArchives}: {item}");
              client.DownloadFile(uri, $"{dir}\\Archives\\{countArchives}_{filename}");
            catch (FileNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine("This file not found!"); }


          #region Programs
          if (item.Contains(".exe"))
            if (!Directory.Exists(dir + "\\Programs"))
              Directory.CreateDirectory(dir + "\\Programs");

              Console.WriteLine($"ProgramFile {countPrograms}: {item}");
              client.DownloadFile(uri, $"{dir}\\Programs\\{countPrograms}_{filename}");
            catch (FileNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine("This file not found!"); }


        Console.WriteLine("\nThere are {0} files in {1}", count, path);


Description of Program class

The user input URL of Website (path). The program check if the URL path is valid (with URI class). Then program download all html code of that website, after scanning of the files containing rows an return array of files names. The program with the extension defins in which folder must be inputed files and download them to desktop. (This is short description, if You want more see code).

ForUrl and showMatch methods implementationa

// Method For correct url if it is Suburl
    private static string ForUrl(string path)
      string[] list = path.Split('/');
      foreach (var item in list)
        if (item.Contains(".com") || item.Contains(".ru") || item.Contains(".net") || item.Contains(".ge") || item.Contains(".am") || item.Contains(".fm"))
          path = list[0] + "//" + item + '/';

      return path;

    // Method For Regex Matching
    private static string showMatch(string text, string expr)
      MatchCollection mc = Regex.Matches(text, expr);
      string result = "";
      foreach (Match m in mc)
        result += m.ToString() + "\n";
      return result;

ForUrl and showMatch methods descriptions

ForUrl Method For corrects url if it is Suburl. In order to program will be able to download it must define the general URL in which saved the files. And after that FileDownloader can download the files. ShowMatch Method For Regex Matching. The purpose of this method is to define file containing row in all HTML code. The methode takes two argumnets, the first is a HTML code and the second is Regex expresion. In the end this method return summary string of files.