shtirllitz plugin for notepad++


  • only ShtirlitzNppPlugin.dll file is required. You can add plugin via Notepad++ plugin manager or using menu item "Settings | Import | Import plugin(s)..."


v. 1.1.2 26.12.2018

  • Version addded in resources
  • 64-bit version added
  • Additional files are not required, only ShtirlitzNppPlugin.dll
  • Decoding styles were redefined
  • When required, a .dat file can be prepared in Shtirlitz (encodings, transliterations, styles) and moved as ShtirlitzNppPlugin.dat in the folder with ShtirlitzNppPlugin.dll.
  • If there is no selection in the text window, Shtirlitz plugin selects all the texts, decodes and replaces it.

no version, 29.12.2013

  • Shtriltz plugin created, based the decoding functions of Shtrilitz 4.1