WebAssembly hans-on

Write wasm app in rust or go and run it with wasmtime. Then deploy app into k8s cluster via Krustlet. Or deploy app in wasmtime pod.

Write sample app for only calcuration

Write simple REST API fow WAGI

  • networking!

  • Add outputs for status: 200, content-type: text/plain and blank output lines for HTTP. See, ./sample-wagi.

  • Build it with ./tinygo-build.sh.

  • Copy ./sample-wagi/app to ./wagi/app.wasm.

  • Edit ./sample-wagi/modules.toml

  • Build container image for wagi, running docker build -f Dockerfile-wagi

  • Then, run docker run -it -v $(pwd)/wagi:/workspace -p 33000:3000 --name wagi wagi wagi -c modules.toml -l

  • Access http://localhost:33000/ from browser.

Run wasm with wasmtime

  • Use wasmtime that is runtime used in Krustlet.

Deploy wasm into kubernetes

Create k8s cluster with kind

Create Krustlet node with docker

Create wasmtime container for pod

Run wasm with wasmer

Deploy wasm into kubernetes

Create k8s cluster with kind

Create wasmer container for pod