
Source code formatter for cmake listfiles.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

cmake format

cmake-format can format your listfiles nicely so that they don't look like crap.


Install from pypi using pip:

pip install --user cmake_format


sudo pip install cmake_format


usage: cmake-format [-h] [-i] [-o OUTFILE_PATH] [-c CONFIG_FILE]
                      infilepaths [infilepaths ...]

Parse cmake listfiles and format them nicely.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i, --in-place
  -o OUTFILE_PATH, --outfile-path OUTFILE_PATH
                        Where to write the formatted file. Default is stdout.
  -c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        path to yaml config


cmake-format accepts configuration files in yaml or json format. An example configuration file is given here. Additional flags and additional kwargs will help cmake_format to break up your custom commands in a pleasant way.

# How wide to allow formatted cmake files
line_width: 80

# How many spaces to tab for indent
tab_size: 2

# If arglists are longer than this, break them always.
max_subargs_per_line: 3

# Additional FLAGS and KWARGS for custom commands
    flags: [BAR, BAZ]
      HEADERS : '*'
      SOURCES : '*'
      DEPENDS : '*'

You may specify a path to a configuration file with the --config-file command line option. Otherwise, cmake-format will search the ancestry of each infilepath looking for a configuration file to use. If no configuration file is found it will use sensible defaults.

A automatically detected configuration file may be named any of the following:

  • .cmake-format
  • cmake-format.yaml
  • cmake-format.json


Will turn this:

# The following multiple newlines should be collapsed into a single newline

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.11)

# This multiline-comment should be reflowed
# into a single comment
# on one line

# This comment should remain right before the command call.
# Furthermore, the command call should be formatted
# to a single line.
add_subdirectories(foo bar baz
  foo2 bar2 baz2)

# This very long command should be split to multiple lines
set(HEADERS very_long_header_name_a.h very_long_header_name_b.h very_long_header_name_c.h)

# This command should be split into one line per entry because it has a long
# argument list.
set(SOURCES source_a.cc source_b.cc source_d.cc source_e.cc source_f.cc source_g.cc)

# The string in this command should not be split
set_target_properties(foo bar baz PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra")

# This command has a very long argument and can't be aligned with the command
# end, so it should be moved to a new line with block indent + 1.
some_long_command_name("Some very long argument that really needs to be on the next line.")

# This situation is similar but the argument to a KWARG needs to be on a
# newline instead.
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++11 -Wall -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -xx")

set(HEADERS header_a.h header_b.h # This comment should
                                  # be preserved, moreover it should be split
                                  # across two lines.
    header_c.h header_d.h)

# This part of the comment should
# be formatted
# but...
# cmake-format: off
# This bunny should remain untouched:
# .   _ ∩
#   レヘヽ| |
#     (・x・)
#    c( uu}
# cmake-format: on
#          while this part should
#          be formatted again

# This is a paragraph
# This is a second paragraph
# This is a third paragraph

# This is a comment
# that should be joined but
# TODO(josh): This todo should not be joined with the previous line.
# NOTE(josh): Also this should not be joined with the todo.

# This comment is in-scope.
add_library(foo_bar_baz foo.cc bar.cc # this is a comment for arg2
              # this is more comment for arg2, it should be joined with the first.
    baz.cc) # This comment is part of add_library

other_command(some_long_argument some_long_argument) # this comment is very long and gets split across some lines

other_command(some_long_argument some_long_argument some_long_argument) # this comment is even longer and wouldn't make sense to pack at the end of the command so it gets it's own lines

# This very long command should be broken up along keyword arguments
foo(nonkwarg_a nonkwarg_b HEADERS a.h b.h c.h d.h e.h f.h SOURCES a.cc b.cc d.cc DEPENDS foo bar baz)

# This command uses a string with escaped quote chars
foo(some_arg some_arg "This is a \"string\" within a string")

# This command uses an empty string
foo(some_arg some_arg "")

# This command uses a multiline string
foo(some_arg some_arg "
    This string is on multiple lines

into this:

# The following multiple newlines should be collapsed into a single newline

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.11)

# This multiline-comment should be reflowed into a single comment on one line

# This comment should remain right before the command call. Furthermore, the
# command call should be formatted to a single line.
add_subdirectories(foo bar baz foo2 bar2 baz2)

# This very long command should be split to multiple lines

# This command should be split into one line per entry because it has a long
# argument list.

# The string in this command should not be split
set_target_properties(foo bar baz
                      PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra")

# This command has a very long argument and can't be aligned with the command
# end, so it should be moved to a new line with block indent + 1.
  "Some very long argument that really needs to be on the next line.")

# This situation is similar but the argument to a KWARG needs to be on a newline
# instead.
    "-std=c++11 -Wall -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -xx")

    header_b.h # This comment should be preserved, moreover it should be split
              # across two lines.

# This part of the comment should be formatted but...
# cmake-format: off
# This bunny should remain untouched:
# .   _ ∩
#   レヘヽ| |
#     (・x・)
#    c( uu}
# cmake-format: on
# while this part should be formatted again

# This is a paragraph
# This is a second paragraph
# This is a third paragraph

# This is a comment that should be joined but
# TODO(josh): This todo should not be joined with the previous line.
# NOTE(josh): Also this should not be joined with the todo.

    # This comment is in-scope.
                bar.cc # this is a comment for arg2 this is more comment for
                      # arg2, it should be joined with the first.
                baz.cc) # This comment is part of add_library

    other_command(some_long_argument some_long_argument) # this comment is very
                                                        # long and gets split
                                                        # across some lines

    other_command(some_long_argument some_long_argument some_long_argument)
    # this comment is even longer and wouldn't make sense to pack at the end of
    # the command so it gets it's own lines

# This very long command should be broken up along keyword arguments
foo(nonkwarg_a nonkwarg_b
    HEADERS a.h
    SOURCES a.cc b.cc d.cc
    DEPENDS foo bar baz)

# This command uses a string with escaped quote chars
foo(some_arg some_arg "This is a \"string\" within a string")

# This command uses an empty string
foo(some_arg some_arg "")

# This command uses a multiline string
foo(some_arg some_arg "
    This string is on multiple lines