
Welcome to Banglish, the intuitive Chrome extension that transforms your English phonetic input into Bengali script seamlessly. This extension is built for those who love to communicate in Bengali but are more comfortable with an English keyboard layout.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Banglish - Chrome Extension for Phonetic Bengali Typing

Welcome to Banglish, the intuitive Chrome extension that transforms your English phonetic input into Bengali script seamlessly. This extension is built for those who love to communicate in Bengali but are more comfortable with an English keyboard layout.

What is Banglish?

Banglish is a sophisticated yet user-friendly Chrome extension that leverages a robust phonetic parsing system to convert English transliterations into beautiful Bengali script. Whether you are writing emails, engaging on social media, or creating documents, Banglish ensures that your thoughts are effortlessly expressed in Bengali.

Technical Overview

The heart of Banglish is a powerful JavaScript class Phonetic, which includes methods to:

  • Analyze and convert input strings into Bengali script by applying phonetic patterns and rules.
  • Normalize input to handle case sensitivity according to configurable rules.
  • Identify and categorize characters as vowels, consonants, or punctuation, enabling accurate phonetic replacements.
  • Precisely match substrings within the input to handle complex phonetic conditions and exceptions.


  • Phonetic Parsing: Converts transliterated input into Bengali script, character by character, maintaining the natural flow of writing.
  • Intelligent Character Recognition: Interprets vowels, consonants, and punctuation to apply contextual phonetic rules.
  • Case Sensitivity Awareness: Recognizes and respects case-sensitive characters when required, providing accurate script conversion.
  • Real-time Transliteration: Experience immediate visual feedback as you type, with each keystroke converted on the fly.
  • Custom Phonetic Patterns: Built with extensibility in mind, allowing for the addition and customization of phonetic patterns and rules.

How to Use

  1. Install the Banglish extension from the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Click on the Banglish icon in your browser to activate it.
  3. Start typing in English, and watch as your text is automatically converted to Bengali script.
  4. Toggle Banglish on or off as needed for bilingual typing convenience.


This project thrives on your feedback and contributions. Feel free to fork the repository, experiment with new patterns, and submit pull requests. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


Your privacy is a priority. Banglish operates entirely offline, ensuring that your data never leaves your browser.