FreeRDP-WebConnect will be a gateway for seamless access to your RDP-Sessions in any HTML5-compliant browser. In particular it relies on the Canvas ( and WebSockets ( feature. The server side WebSockets implementation handles current RFC6455 ( only, so browsers that implement the older drafts do *not* work. With RFC6455 being raised to the "Proposed Standard" level, this should change now really soon. Currently, primary development platform is FireFox 11 on Fedora and testing is done with FireFox 11, Chrome 18, and RIM-Browser on a Blackberry PlayBook 2.0. On the server side, a standalone daemon - written in C++ - provides a Web page via HTTPS (or HTTP, if configured) and uses FreeRDP libs to connect as a client to any RDP session. Although the project is still in a very early development phase (project was started on April 3, 2012), it already can display an RDP session right now. The current goal is, to have something usable ready for presentation at the LinuxTag (starting May 23, 2012) in Berlin.
A gateway for seamless access to your RDP-Sessions in any HTML5-compliant browser