
It contains two algorithm extracting key frame

Primary LanguageC++


It contains two algorithm extracting key frame. Before explaining them, I say something about comparing the similarity of tow images. In the next two algorithms, I use hash number of image to compare the similarity of two pictures. This algorithm is from click here! .

Algorithm 1

It‘s a very simple algorithm to extract key frame.

  • Step 1: Extract one frame from each 30 frames.
  • Step 2: Compare the frame with the last frame. If they are similar, I discard it. Otherwise, I regard it as a keyframe.
  • Step 3: Discard the frame that is nearly black.

The result of the Algorithm 1:

Algorithm 2

Algorithm 2 is a little advanced. I referenced an ancient paper(Yueting Zhuang, Yong Rui, Thomas S. Huang, Sharad Mehrotra., Adaptive Key Frame Extraction Using Unsupervised Clustering, IEEE ICIP'98, Chicago, USA, 98.10. ) But the difference is I compare the similarity of two images by a different method mentioned above.

The result of Algorithm 2:

Last but not least, If you want to run the program in your computer, confirm you have the environment of OpenCV