
Entire IT stack for webapp

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Entire IT stack for webapp

Get Started


  • Terraform CLI installed
  • AWS CLI installed
  • AWS CLI user/key configured
cd terraform

terraform init
terraform apply

# Update password in AWS RDS instance manually

cd ../ansible

# Set "db_password" and "github_maven_pat" in vault.yml

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
ansible-playbook build-deploy-fruit-instances.yml -i inventory -e @vault.yml --ask-vault-pass
ansible-playbook install-nginx-proxy.yml -i inventory
ansible-playbook install-new-relic-infra.yml -i inventory -e @vault.yml --ask-vault-pass

MVP Requirements

  • All secrets/config properties are stored in .env
  • Deploy Infrastructure via Terraform
    • Internal network for DB/Backend/Load balancer communication
    • CDN for webapp
    • DB for API
    • 3 app instances for backend
    • Load balancer for backend
    • AWS Deployment
    • ElasticStack for logging
    • Jaeger for app monitoring
    • Prometheus/Grafana for infrastructure monitoring
  • Deploy Code changes via Github Actions
  • Web app letting a user "eat" an apple
    • Upon page load, request fruit info for apple in /fruits endpoint
    • Reset button allows you to eat another apple
      • requests new meal id and stores in session storage (we don't want a user to come back to a rotten apple)
    • Apple bites and complete consumption are tracked via /bites API call
  • Spring Boot backend to fruits, meals, and bites information
    • /meals POST endpoint
      • Creates a new meal id
      • Returns meal id
    • /bites POST endpoint
      • Records a bite event occurring
      • Collects info for geolocation purposes (IP or other data)
      • Sends meal id to track bites
      • Returns meal id, fruit id, bites left
      • On invalid meal id, return 404
      • On no more bites available, return 400
    • /fruits GET endpoint
      • Generic information about current fruit to bite
    • DB contains fruit configuration data (how many bites it takes, name)


  • Websocket in Spring Boot to show live locations on map of any bites taken with a 30 second fade-out
  • Kubernetes version of the app
  • Ansible for configuration management
  • Feedback form utilizing serverless function to send email/slack message/etc
  • Fullstory integration for troubleshooting
  • VPN to internal 'corporate' network
  • Istio Service Mesh
  • Use GraalVM and/or Quarkus
  • Global Aurora DB cluster
  • AWS Global Accelerator (US East, US West, Europe, Asia)