
iNeuron-Amazon-Sales-Analysis - Internship Project

iNeuron Amazon Food Sales Analysis - Internship Project - By Shubham Vedi

Problem Statement:

Sales management has gained importance to meet increasing competition and the need for improved methods of distribution to reduce cost and to increase profits. Sales management today is the most important function in a commercial and business enterprise.
Find key metrics and factors and show the meaningful relationships between attributes. Do your own research and come up with your findings.

Questions to be Addressed:

  • What is the total revenue generated from Amazon's food sales analysis?
  • How does profit differ before and after applying discounts?
  • Which months showed the highest sales and revenue?
  • What are the top 10 products in terms of earned profit?
  • Which product contributed the most to overall sales?
  • How does the profit trend vary over different months of the year?
  • Can you Provide insights into the customer volume during the peak sales month?
  • What is the ratio of revenue to actual profit in the food sales sector?
  • How do sales and profits compare for Frozen Cheese Pizza against other top products?

Dashboard Design:

iNeuron  Amazon Sales Data -1 iNeuron  Amazon Sales Data -2 iNeuron  Amazon Sales Data -3 iNeuron  Amazon Sales Data -4 iNeuron  Amazon Sales Data -5

Dashboard Interaction:


Generated Insights:

  • The total revenue generated from Amazon's food sales analysis amounts to 92.87 million dollars.
  • The profit without any discounts is calculated to be 40.93 million dollars, while the profit after applying discounts is 35.19 million dollars. This signifies the impact of discount offers on the overall profitability.
  • The months of February and March stand out as the peak periods for sales and revenue. This likely indicates specific promotional or seasonal trends during these months.
  • Among the years 2017 to 2019, the year 2017 holds the highest share in terms of sales, contributing to 47.39 percent of the total sales during this three-year period.
  • The top 10 products, led by "Frozen Cheese Pizza," are listed based on earned profit. This suggests certain products are particularly lucrative for Amazon in the food sales sector.
  • "Frozen Cheese Pizza" emerges as a key player among the top products, contributing around 23.49% of the total sales. This product seems to resonate well with customers.
  • Profit after discounts shows peaks in the months of March, June, and towards the end of the years. This might be influenced by seasonal trends, holidays, or special promotions.
  • The month of March witnesses the highest customer volume, which aligns with the significant revenue and profit generated during this period. This suggests increased consumer engagement and interest.
  • In the month of March, revenue reaches 5.1 million dollars, with actual profit standing at 4.2 million dollars. This reflects a revenue-to-profit conversion rate of approximately 82.4%, highlighting effective cost management.
  • Among the top products, "Frozen Cheese Pizza" stands out as a substantial contributor, both in terms of sales volume and profit. This product's popularity and profitability warrant further exploration.

Final Conclusion:

Through this Amazon Food Sales Analysis, we've gained valuable insights into revenue trends, product performance, and the influence of discounts. These findings offer actionable intelligence for enhancing profitability and customer experiences.