
Live Stock Display Angular AOT App Using Websockets & RxJs

Primary LanguageTypeScript


View this app live at https://stock-o-pedia.herokuapp.com/. It is a PWA installable(over https) but WebSocket end point is unsecure so might need to allow 'load unsecure scripts' when prompte d or use http instead.

Running Application

Simply do an npm install, your project will be setup post install. Then to run, do npm start to run the application.


  1. Live Stock information
  2. View Live graph as changes are pushed onto the chart
  3. Reconnect to network feature, automatic + manual, if failed
  4. Service Worker for offline project structure support
  5. PWA Installable(for supported browser versions eg Chrome 70+) (https only)
  6. Technically, minified code using Terser + treeshaked ES2015 module
  7. Deployment automation on Heroku

Stack Used

  1. Angular 8
  2. RxJs
  3. chart.js
  4. Plain HTML5/SCSS
  5. Webpack
  6. Workbox Webpack Plugin for Service Worker Generation

Improvement Scope

  1. Stack multiple stock into a single chart
  2. Offline caching of pre-existing stock data for offline view via IndexedDB
  3. Performance:
    1. Serve gzipped or brotli compressed files over the network
    2. Chunk Js files categorically and multiplex requests over to the browser [H2]


Sample Image