CS Senior interested in SWE, Data Engineering, Data Science, and Interdisciplinary Research
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Pinned Repositories
This is a tutorial in the form of a Jupyter notebook
The Bank Application is a C based application which allows users various functionalities such as creating a Bank account from the List of Nationalized, State and Private Sector Banks registered across India, Registering the user’s UPI Handle - which is a necessary requirement for money transfers on payment apps, Bank operations -- Cash Withdrawal and Cash Deposit, Generation of UPI Handle ID (address which identifies the user on UPI; typically yourname@bankname). The application also allows multiple Bank account creations and UPI handle registrations, and displays specified account information on command.
A Convolutional Neural Network which classifies Blood Cells into 4 types - Eosinophils, Basophils, Lymphocytes and Monocytes using 12,500 augmented images with 4 additional subtype labels.
A Python GUI + API based application which displays current city weather ( Temperature, weather condition) along with the weather of consecutive hours of the day ( gap of 3 hours.)
Artificial Neural Network to predict whether a patient has Heart Disease based on 918 patient records with 11 input feature (Chest Pain type, Resting BP, Cholesterol, Resting ECG, Max HR, Exercise Angina, Old peak) nodes, 2 fully connected layers with 20 nodes each, using ReLu as Activation Function and Cross Entropy as Loss Function. The accuracy of the model is 83%
Kafka Clone - Java Application which mimics the functionalities of Apache Kafka by following Design Principles and Patterns. The UI of the application is implemented using Java Swing and it is connected to MySQL database using Connector/J
Data Analytics with big data and production of business results with the KPMG data analytics team
Quantitative structure activity relationship models (QSAR models) using 6 molecular descriptors of 908 chemicals to predict quantitative acute aquatic toxicity (LC50 value) towards the fish Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow).
Optimized Shortest Path-Finding Graph algorithm using Graph Neural Networks - Advanced Algorithms Literature Survey involving In depth analysis of graph algorithm to find shortest path between points using an algorithm to show how Graph Network with attention read and write can perform shortest path calculations with minimal training
A Classifier model which predicts whether a person survived the Titanic crash or not using Random Forest Classifier Model -- Binary Classification algorithm.
shubhahegde2002's Repositories
Quantitative structure activity relationship models (QSAR models) using 6 molecular descriptors of 908 chemicals to predict quantitative acute aquatic toxicity (LC50 value) towards the fish Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow).
Kafka Clone - Java Application which mimics the functionalities of Apache Kafka by following Design Principles and Patterns. The UI of the application is implemented using Java Swing and it is connected to MySQL database using Connector/J
Optimized Shortest Path-Finding Graph algorithm using Graph Neural Networks - Advanced Algorithms Literature Survey involving In depth analysis of graph algorithm to find shortest path between points using an algorithm to show how Graph Network with attention read and write can perform shortest path calculations with minimal training
This is a tutorial in the form of a Jupyter notebook
The Bank Application is a C based application which allows users various functionalities such as creating a Bank account from the List of Nationalized, State and Private Sector Banks registered across India, Registering the user’s UPI Handle - which is a necessary requirement for money transfers on payment apps, Bank operations -- Cash Withdrawal and Cash Deposit, Generation of UPI Handle ID (address which identifies the user on UPI; typically yourname@bankname). The application also allows multiple Bank account creations and UPI handle registrations, and displays specified account information on command.
A Convolutional Neural Network which classifies Blood Cells into 4 types - Eosinophils, Basophils, Lymphocytes and Monocytes using 12,500 augmented images with 4 additional subtype labels.
A NodeJS (Apollo Server) + ReactJS Chat Application which utilizes AWS RDS for storing the messages, users, and reactions in a MySQL database instance, and deployment using AWS EC2
A Python GUI + API based application which displays current city weather ( Temperature, weather condition) along with the weather of consecutive hours of the day ( gap of 3 hours.)
Artificial Neural Network to predict whether a patient has Heart Disease based on 918 patient records with 11 input feature (Chest Pain type, Resting BP, Cholesterol, Resting ECG, Max HR, Exercise Angina, Old peak) nodes, 2 fully connected layers with 20 nodes each, using ReLu as Activation Function and Cross Entropy as Loss Function. The accuracy of the model is 83%
Data Analytics with big data and production of business results with the KPMG data analytics team
A Classifier model which predicts whether a person survived the Titanic crash or not using Random Forest Classifier Model -- Binary Classification algorithm.
An application which gives the information about various details with regards to the Covid 19 Pandemic such as total cases, total deaths, serious/critical case, total recoveries and total tests in countries across Asia or in India, along with an option to find out daily trending news regarding Covid 19. The data is extracted using a Covid-19 API.
Violence against women is deep-rooted and has unequal power and gender relations (CARE International, 2018), it transcends social and economic boundaries, and affects women and girls of all socio-economic backgrounds. Data Preprocessing is done to create awareness about the gravity of this issue by using a variety of Data Cleaning, and Data Visualization techniques.
PyTorch basics
Created with the goal of rescuing urban stray animals who have been abused, injured or abandoned using the Geolocation API to get current coordinates of the site and alert required authorities.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
A Neural Network which uses Transfer Learning technique using pre-trained model of InceptionV3 to detect different type of diseases for tomato leaves.