
Mesh Viewer implemented pyqt5

Primary LanguagePython

Mesh Viewer using pytorch3D

This code is implemented using Pytorch3D and PyQt5


The code uses Python 3.7 in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS


You can install Pytorch3D in upper link.

To install

git clone https://github.com/yeongjoonJu/Mesh-Viewer-using-pytorch3d.git
cd Mesh-Viewer-using-pytorch3d
mkdir data
pip install pyqt5
pip install pillow


python main.py

Rotate an object : dragging the mouse

Zoom in / out an object : wheeling the mouse

Change the illumination position :
W - move to up, A - move to left, S - move to down, D - move to right
Q - move to front, E - move to back


Texture mapping with color value per vertex [update August 26th]

You can open .obj file after pressing file button.



You can rotate object through dragging mouse.

Zoom in/out

You can zoom in/out through wheeling.

Change the illumination

You can change the illumination using the keyboard.