
(Making major changes, below is currently not up-to-date)

This website had its origins in Rose Hack 2020. Feeling the code was unusable, I abandoned that repository and made this one. This website allows you to add and organize your music in a database. It is currently very rudimentry however more features are on the way.


  • HTML
  • Javascript
  • CSS


  • Github Pages (Domain Host)
  • Namecheap (Domain Name)
  • MySQL, Firebase, Spotify API (Potentially)

Known Bugs

  • Able to submit empty boxes
  • Numbers do not reorder when deleting from array

Version History

Version 0.45 (6/28/2021)

  • Can now delete database, can use help statement to see all visble commmands

Version 0.4 (6/24/2021)

  • Started creation of a terminal version
  • Can currently add music to the notepad database

Version 0.2 (1/17/2021)

  • Created website
  • Ability to add and remove albums