
evaluation datasets image

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hello respected author. I trained hmr2 on my own server. However, when I wanted to perform an evaluation, I found that I need the following data: "download the Human3.6M, 3DPW, LSP-Extended, COCO, and PoseTrack dataset images". Could you please provide the relevant download links? I would be extremely grateful.

Hello ,i meet the same problem, have you got those datasets? I can not get LSP-Extended, Human3.6M, and PoseTrack dataset images...

You can download LSP Extended from here:
For PoseTrack, you can follow the instructions here:
For Human3.6M, the dataset website is here:
For 3DPW, the dataset website is here:
For COCO, the dataset website is here:

Hi authors. For Human3.6M, could you please show how to generate h36m/images folder which is indicated in the config file ? It seems the original Human3.6M dataset does not have such a folder. Thank you very much in advance.