
WARNING: You are using a SMPL model, with only 10 shape coefficients.

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when i run "python --img_folder example_data/images --out_folder demo_out --batch_size=48 --side_view --save_mesh --full_frame" ,return WARNING: You are using a SMPL model, with only 10 shape to resolve it?

This is just a warning from the smplx package. It doesn't affect you negatively. It's more of a reminder of the number of the shape coefficients you are using.

This is just a warning from the smplx package. It doesn't affect you negatively. It's more of a reminder of the number of the shape coefficients you are using.


Are you sure there is no other error message? It's unlikely that smplx is the problem. Maybe the environment installation was not performed correctly?
If you don't know where the error happens, one way to debug this is to include a breakpoint (import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()) in the main function and run the code step by step until you see which commands creates the problem.