
It is a blog web app which can be used to read others blogs and write our own . user


  • A nice and decent looking user interface using bootstrap which is easy to be understand and hence no dificulty to write blogs
  • A strong and reliable backend made using python and the flask framework.
  • A user can follow other user whoes blogs seems intresting to him and he will be update with their blogs as and when they upload it on his home page.
  • User can explore other users and their blogs whom he does not follow in the explore section of the web app.
  • A user can edit his profile as and when he wishes through his profile section
  • Language compatiblity ,flaskblog changes its language based on user language preference in the chrome(Engllish , Spanish ,Hindi)
  • If a user forget his password then a password reset link is sent through mail
  • gravatar is used for profile image



Instruction to use

  • Setup virual enviornment for python
  • Setup virtual enviornment for flask
  • run the following commands through the terminal
    • export(linux or mac)/set(windows) FLASK_APP=microblog.py
    • flask run


If you want to contribute to this project, feel free to fork it and send a PR :)

Coming up

  • Flaskblog will be hosted with heroku soon
  • The frontend will be made more impressive


Shoot a mail at raj.tyagi2000@gmail.com


Shubham Tyagi