
This Repo is a demo app using Rite Kit APi

Primary LanguageJava

RiteKit Hashtag | Android Application

An app which suggest trending hashtags along with details and influencers


    1. When a hashtag is selected display its statistics and list of influencers
    1. A screen showing the trending hashtags

Built With

  • Android Studio
  • RetroFit HTTP request handling Framework
  • Picasso for handling Images
  • Google Support Libraries

Minimum SDK tested for is 23

How I did!

  • 1.The first thing that i did is the basic models that are required to the handling the data
  • 2.After that basic API invocation is done in the app.
  • 3.UI design are created
  • 5.API integration with the app is done
  • 6.Attaching the UI elements with API endpoint data
  • 7.Commenting and testing

* One thing that took me some time is some error due to recycler view which was solved by some resolution of Context of the activity.