Samples on using the Dapr extension for Azure Functions
Start the NodeApp
cd samples/NodeApp
dotnet build -o bin extensions.csproj
dapr run --app-id nodeapp --app-port 3001 --app-protocol http --dapr-http-port 3500 -- func host start --no-build --verbose -p 7070
Start the Dotnet App
cd samples/DotnetApp
DAPR_APP_PORT=3002 dapr run --app-id dotnetapp --app-port 3002 --app-protocol http --dapr-http-port 3501 -- func start --verbose -p 7071
Invoke the Dotnet App
curl http://localhost:7071/api/StoreFunc
Look at the logs to confirm the apps' execution.
ocker build -t -f samples/NodeApp/Dockerfile .
docker build -t -f samples/DotnetApp/Dockerfile .
docker push
docker push
Node app
- Enable Dapr and set the app port to 3001.
Dotnet app
- Enable Dapr and set the app port to 3002.
- Create an environment variable,
, and set it to 3002.
Redis app
- ngrok tcp 6379 on your local machine (or use a public redis instance)
CApps Environment
- Create a redis component and point to the redis app.