
`openebsctl` is a kubectl plugin to manage OpenEBS storage components.

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OpenEBSCTL is a kubectl plugin to manage OpenEBS storage components.

Project Status

Alpha. Under active development and seeking contributions from the community.

The CLI currently supports managing:

  • cStor Pools and Volumes
  • Jiva Volumes

Table of Contents


OpenEBSCTL is available on Linux, macOS and Windows platforms.

  • Binaries for Linux, Mac and Windows are available as tarballs and zip in the release page.
  • For Linux, download the respective tarball from release page and :-
    tar -xvf kubectl-openebs_v0.1.0_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
    cd kubectl-openebs_v0.1.0_Linux_x86_64
    sudo mv kubectl-openebs /usr/local/bin/
    Or, download the debian package from the release page and double click it launch the installer. Or, we can also use script to install the latest version :-
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openebs/openebsctl/develop/scripts/install-latest.sh -O - | bash
  • For Mac, download the respective tarball from release page and :-
     tar -xzvf kubectl-openebs_v0.1.0_Darwin_x86_64.tar.gz
     cd kubectl-openebs_v0.1.0_Darwin_x86_64
     sudo mv kubectl-openebs /usr/local/bin/
  • For Windows, download the respective zip from release page and :-
    • Extract the zip, copy the path of the folder the contents are in.
    • Add the path to the PATH environment variable.


  • Clone this repo to your system. git clone https://github.com/openebs/openebsctl
  • cd openebsctl
  • Run make openebsctl
  • Run kubectl openebs [get|describe] [resource] to use the plugin


  • --openebs-namespace :- to override the determination of namespace where storage engine is installed with the provided value.
  • --namespace, -n :- to pass the namespace, if the resource is namespaced, like pvc etc.
  • --cas-type :- to pass the cas-type, like cstor, jiva.


  • Get cStor volumes

    $ kubectl openebs get volumes --cas-type=cstor
    NAMESPACE   NAME                                       STATUS    VERSION    CAPACITY   STORAGE CLASS         ATTACHED   ACCESS MODE      ATTACHED NODE
    cstor       pvc-193844d7-3bef-45a3-8b7d-ed3991391b45   Healthy   2.9.0      5.0 GiB    cstor-csi-sc          Bound      ReadWriteOnce    N/A
    cstor       pvc-b84f60ae-3f26-4110-a85d-bce7ec00dacc   Healthy   2.0.0      20 GiB     common-storageclass   Bound      ReadWriteOnce    node1-virtual-machine
    Note: For volumes not attached to any application, the ATTACH NODE would be shown as N/A.
  • Get cStor pools

    $ kubectl openebs get pools
    cstor-storage-k5c2        node1-virtual-machine   45 GiB   45 GiB     false       1                      0                  ONLINE    10d2h
    default-cstor-disk-dcrm   node1-virtual-machine   73 GiB   90 GiB     false       7                      7                  ONLINE    27d2h
    default-cstor-disk-fp6v   node2-virtual-machine   73 GiB   90 GiB     false       7                      7                  ONLINE    27d2h
    default-cstor-disk-rhwj   node1-virtual-machine   73 GiB   90 GiB     false       7                      4                  OFFLINE   27d2h
  • Describe cStor volumes

    $ kubectl openebs describe volume pvc-193844d7-3bef-45a3-8b7d-ed3991391b45
    pvc-193844d7-3bef-45a3-8b7d-ed3991391b45 Details :
    NAME            : pvc-193844d7-3bef-45a3-8b7d-ed3991391b45
    ACCESS MODE     : ReadWriteOnce
    CSI DRIVER      : cstor.csi.openebs.io
    STORAGE CLASS   : cstor-csi
    VOLUME PHASE    : Released
    VERSION         : 2.9.0
    CSPC            : cstor-storage
    SIZE            : 5.0 GiB
    STATUS          : Init
    Portal Details :
    IQN              :  iqn.2016-09.com.openebs.cstor:pvc-193844d7-3bef-45a3-8b7d-ed3991391b45
    VOLUME NAME      :  pvc-193844d7-3bef-45a3-8b7d-ed3991391b45
    TARGET NODE NAME :  node1-virtual-machine
    PORTAL           :
    TARGET IP        :
    Replica Details :
    NAME                                                          TOTAL    USED      STATUS    AGE
    pvc-193844d7-3bef-45a3-8b7d-ed3991391b45-cstor-storage-k5c2   72 KiB   4.8 MiB   Healthy   10d3h
    Cstor Completed Backup Details :
    NAME                                               BACKUP NAME   VOLUME NAME                                LAST SNAP NAME
    backup4-pvc-b026cde1-28d9-40ff-ba95-2f3a6c1d5668   backup4       pvc-193844d7-3bef-45a3-8b7d-ed3991391b45   backup4
    Cstor Restores Details :
    NAME                                           RESTORE NAME   VOLUME NAME                                RESTORE SOURCE       STORAGE CLASS   STATUS
    backup4-3cc0839b-8428-4361-8b12-eb8509208871   backup4        pvc-193844d7-3bef-45a3-8b7d-ed3991391b45   cstor-csi       0
  • Describe cStor pool

    $ kubectl openebs describe pool default-cstor-disk-fp6v --openebs-namespace=openebs
    default-cstor-disk-fp6v Details :
    NAME             : default-cstor-disk-fp6v
    HOSTNAME         : node1-virtual-machine
    SIZE             : 90 GiB
    FREE CAPACITY    : 73 GiB
    READ ONLY STATUS : false
    STATUS	         : ONLINE
    RAID TYPE        : stripe
    Blockdevice details :
    NAME                                           CAPACITY   STATE
    blockdevice-8a5b69d8a2b23276f8daeac3c8179f9d   100 GiB    Active
    Replica Details :
    NAME                                                               PVC NAME   SIZE      STATE
    pvc-b84f60ae-3f26-4110-a85d-bce7ec00dacc-default-cstor-disk-fp6v   mongo      992 MiB   Healthy
  • Describe pvcs

    $ kubectl openebs describe pvc mongo
    mongo Details :
    NAME             : mongo
    NAMESPACE        : default
    CAS TYPE         : cstor
    BOUND VOLUME     : pvc-b84f60ae-3f26-4110-a85d-bce7ec00dacc
    ATTACHED TO NODE : node1-virtual-machine
    POOL             : default-cstor-disk
    STORAGE CLASS    : common-storageclass
    SIZE             : 20 GiB
    USED             : 1.1 GiB
    PV STATUS	       : Healthy
    Target Details :
    NAMESPACE   NAME                                                              READY   STATUS    AGE      IP           NODE
    openebs     pvc-b84f60ae-3f26-4110-a85d-bce7ec00dacc-target-7487cbc8bc5ttzl   3/3     Running   26d22h   node1-virtual-machine
    Replica Details :
    NAME                                                               TOTAL     USED      STATUS    AGE
    pvc-b84f60ae-3f26-4110-a85d-bce7ec00dacc-default-cstor-disk-dcrm   992 MiB   1.1 GiB   Healthy   26d23h
    pvc-b84f60ae-3f26-4110-a85d-bce7ec00dacc-default-cstor-disk-fp6v   992 MiB   1.1 GiB   Healthy   26d23h
    pvc-b84f60ae-3f26-4110-a85d-bce7ec00dacc-default-cstor-disk-rhwj   682 MiB   832 MiB   Offline   26d23h
    Additional Details from CVC :
    NAME          : pvc-b84f60ae-3f26-4110-a85d-bce7ec00dacc
    POOL INFO     : [default-cstor-disk-dcrm default-cstor-disk-fp6v default-cstor-disk-rhwj]
    VERSION       : 2.1.0
    UPGRADING     : true


OpenEBS welcomes your feedback and contributions in any form possible.

For more details checkout CONTRIBUTING.md.