
Contains configurations for Inji stack

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This Repository contains configurations for Inji Stack, These are the split up of the properties used by different modules in the inji stack

Inji Mobile

Inji Web


Inji Certify

certify-default.properties - This file holds only the certify's core properties and will have the last section for properties that is suppose to be overridden by the plugin-usecase properties

Right now we will be maintaining the below 3 plugin-usecase property files, one for each plugin that is readily available for certify integration. And each plugin is associated with an example usecase.

  1. certify-mock-identity.properties - Uses mock plugin and showcases identity usecase
  2. certify-mosipid-identity.properties - Uses mosip identity plugin and showcases identity usecase
  3. certify-sunbird-insurance.properties - Uses sunbird RC plugin and showcases insurance usecase

Each plugin-usecase property file will contain the below 3 sections

  1. Properties to enable the plugin
  2. Properties specific to plugins
  3. Properties that is available in the certify-default.properties but needs to be overriden specific to the usecase