PopularMovies shows users most trending and top rates movies with ability to favourite movies and access them offline. It serves as a great example of how to use retrofit with RxJava for making HTTP requests and how to use Android's new ConstraintLayout to implement application UI.
You will need to add the Movie DB API key in your gradle.properties file to run this project. Instructions for the same are given here.
- PopularMovies makes use of Android Data Binding library to bind model and views.
- It implements two-pane layouts for tablets using Android Fragments.
- Images are cached and loaded from network using Picasso.
- It uses Retrofit2 to make requests to the Movie DB API.
- It also uses rx Observables to subscribe to API requests.
- Movie detail layout is implemented using Android ConstraintLayout. Using ConstraintLayout greatly enhances the layout performance as it eliminates the need of nested views in layouts. Plus it's much easy to work with them than relative layouts.