
This repository contains list of solutions fetched from various sites.

Primary LanguagePython


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A repository to keep track of problem solving practice, containing solutions from platforms:

  • Codeforces   Codeforces


# Title Solution Tags Submitted
229 B - Phoenix and Beauty Java 11 constructive algorithms data structures greedy sortings *1400 Jun/12/2022 17:21
228 B - Books Java 11 binary search brute force implementation two pointers *1400 Jun/12/2022 01:48
227 C - Given Length and Sum of Digits... Java 11 dp greedy implementation *1400 Apr/30/2022 16:54
226 B - Two Buttons PyPy 3-64 dfs and similar graphs greedy implementation math shortest paths *1400 Apr/06/2022 19:49
225 C - Boats Competition PyPy 3-64 brute force greedy two pointers *1200 Apr/03/2022 00:36
224 C - Shinju and the Lost Permutation Python 3 constructive algorithms math *1700 Apr/02/2022 23:52
223 B - Sorted Adjacent Differences Python 3 constructive algorithms sortings *1200 Mar/05/2022 17:59
222 A - Chewbaсca and Number Java 11 greedy implementation *1200 Feb/27/2022 03:35
221 C - Ternary XOR Java 11 greedy implementation *1200 Feb/27/2022 03:13
220 C - K-th Not Divisible by n Java 11 binary search math *1200 Feb/26/2022 17:05
219 B - Kuriyama Mirai's Stones Java 11 dp implementation sortings *1200 Feb/21/2022 01:51
218 B - Ternary String Java 11 binary search dp implementation two pointers *1200 Feb/21/2022 00:45
217 C - Keshi Is Throwing a Party Java 11 binary search greedy *1600 Nov/25/2021 19:25
216 B - Kalindrome Array Java 11 greedy two pointers *1100 Nov/25/2021 19:24
215 C - Delete Two Elements Java 11 data structures dp implementation math two pointers *1200 Oct/12/2021 19:05
214 B - Groups Python 3 brute force implementation *1000 Oct/11/2021 19:39
213 A - Computer Game Python 3 brute force dfs and similar dp implementation *800 Oct/10/2021 21:14
212 B - Special Numbers Python 3 bitmasks math *1100 Oct/09/2021 01:06
211 A - Consecutive Sum Riddle Python 3 math *800 Oct/09/2021 01:05
210 C - k-Tree Java 11 dp implementation trees *1600 Oct/07/2021 01:00
209 A - Regular Bracket Sequences Python 3 constructive algorithms *800 Sep/20/2021 23:53
208 C - Mocha and Hiking Python 3 constructive algorithms graphs *1200 Sep/19/2021 16:43
207 A - Median Maximization Python 3 binary search greedy math *800 Sep/13/2021 14:38
206 B - MIN-MEX Cut Python 3 bitmasks constructive algorithms dp greedy *800 Sep/13/2021 14:36
205 C - MAX-MEX Cut Python 3 bitmasks constructive algorithms dp greedy *1000 Sep/13/2021 14:34
204 B1 - Books Exchange (easy version) Java 11 dsu math *1000 Sep/04/2021 19:34
203 B2 - Books Exchange (hard version) Java 11 dfs and similar dsu math *1300 Sep/04/2021 19:33
202 A - Vacations Python 3 dp *1400 Sep/03/2021 02:20
201 A - Cut Ribbon Python 3 brute force dp *1300 Sep/01/2021 17:00
200 A - Boredom Python 3 dp *1500 Sep/01/2021 16:31
199 C - Basketball Exercise Python 3 dp *1400 Sep/01/2021 16:27
198 C - Infinity Table Python 3 implementation math *800 Aug/19/2021 13:49
197 C - Web of Lies Java 11 graphs greedy *1400 Aug/02/2021 20:38
196 B - Gregor and the Pawn Game Python 3 dfs and similar dp flows graph matchings graphs greedy implementation *800 Aug/02/2021 20:38
195 A - Gregor and Cryptography Python 3 math number theory *800 Aug/02/2021 20:38
194 A - Cherry Java 11 greedy *800 Aug/01/2021 23:59
193 A - Odd Set Python 3 math *800 Jul/18/2021 23:46
192 B - Plus and Multiply Python 3 constructive algorithms math number theory *1500 Jul/18/2021 23:45
191 C - Challenging Cliffs Python 3 constructive algorithms greedy implementation math *1200 Jun/26/2021 23:47
190 B - Histogram Ugliness Python 3 greedy implementation math *1100 Jun/26/2021 23:47
189 C - Stable Groups Python 3 greedy sortings *1200 Jun/26/2021 23:46
188 B - Pleasant Pairs Python 3 brute force implementation math number theory *1200 Jun/26/2021 00:33
187 A - Pretty Permutations Python 3 constructive algorithms greedy implementation *800 Jun/26/2021 00:03
186 A - Maximum Square Python 3 implementation *800 Jun/24/2021 23:56
185 A - Competitive Programmer Python 3 chinese remainder theorem math *1000 Jun/24/2021 23:54
184 A - Happy Birthday, Polycarp! Python 3 implementation *1000 Jun/24/2021 23:53
183 B - Dice Tower Python 3 constructive algorithms math *1000 Jun/24/2021 23:53
182 A - Level Statistics Python 3 implementation math *1200 Jun/23/2021 23:52
181 A - Pashmak and Garden Python 3 implementation *1200 Jun/23/2021 23:49
180 B - K-th Beautiful String Python 3 binary search brute force combinatorics implementation math *1300 Jun/23/2021 23:48
179 A - Sereja and Coat Rack Python 3 implementation *1000 Jun/23/2021 23:46
178 B - JOE is on TV! Java 11 combinatorics greedy math *1000 Jun/23/2021 00:40
177 B - Assigning to Classes Python 3 greedy implementation sortings *1000 Jun/22/2021 23:53
176 B - Bogosort Python 3 constructive algorithms sortings *1000 Jun/22/2021 23:53
175 A - Display The Number Python 3 greedy *900 Jun/21/2021 23:59
174 A - Johnny and Ancient Computer Python 3 implementation *1000 Jun/21/2021 23:56
173 A - Contest Start Python 3 combinatorics geometry greedy math *1000 Jun/21/2021 23:55
172 B - Array Cancellation Python 3 constructive algorithms implementation *1000 Jun/21/2021 23:55
171 B - Love Song Python 3 dp implementation strings *800 Jun/20/2021 23:56
170 A - New Year and Naming Python 3 implementation strings *800 Jun/20/2021 23:54
169 A - Three Strings Python 3 implementation strings *800 Jun/20/2021 23:53
168 A - Contest for Robots Python 3 greedy *900 Jun/20/2021 23:52
167 A - Suits Python 3 brute force greedy math *800 Jun/19/2021 23:56
166 A - Heist Python 3 greedy implementation sortings *800 Jun/19/2021 23:52
165 A - Cow and Haybales Python 3 greedy implementation *800 Jun/19/2021 23:51
164 A - Dead Pixel Python 3 implementation *800 Jun/19/2021 23:50
163 A - Kuroni and the Gifts Python 3 brute force constructive algorithms greedy sortings *800 Jun/18/2021 23:59
162 A - Angry Students Python 3 greedy implementation *800 Jun/18/2021 23:57
161 B - Bad Boy PyPy 3 constructive algorithms greedy math *900 Jun/18/2021 23:47
160 A - Arithmetic Array PyPy 3 greedy math *800 Jun/18/2021 23:47
159 A - Circle Coloring PyPy 3 constructive algorithms *800 Jun/17/2021 23:32
158 A - Grade Allocation PyPy 3 implementation *800 Jun/17/2021 23:32
157 A - Finding Sasuke PyPy 3 constructive algorithms math *800 Jun/17/2021 23:31
156 A - Boboniu Likes to Color Balls PyPy 3 brute force math *1000 Jun/16/2021 23:21
155 B - Sequential Nim PyPy 3 dp games *1100 Jun/16/2021 23:19
154 A - Matrix Game PyPy 3 games greedy implementation *1100 Jun/16/2021 23:18
153 C - Frog Jumps PyPy 3 binary search data structures dfs and similar greedy implementation *1100 Jun/15/2021 23:41
152 A - Sum of Odd Integers PyPy 3 math *1100 Jun/07/2021 23:10
151 B - Prinzessin der Verurteilung PyPy 3 brute force constructive algorithms strings *1200 Jun/07/2021 13:01
150 A - Avoiding Zero Python 3 math sortings *900 Jun/06/2021 23:56
149 N - Waste Sorting Python 3 greedy implementation *900 Jun/06/2021 23:55
148 A - Omkar and Bad Story Python 3 brute force constructive algorithms *800 Jun/06/2021 23:15
147 A - Crazy Computer Python 3 implementation *800 Jun/05/2021 23:56
146 A - Greg's Workout Python 3 implementation *800 Jun/05/2021 23:54
145 A - Arpa’s hard exam and Mehrdad’s naive cheat Python 3 implementation math number theory *1000 Apr/20/2021 23:44
144 B - AND 0, Sum Big PyPy 3 bitmasks combinatorics math *1200 Apr/19/2021 23:11
143 A - Perfectly Imperfect Array PyPy 3 math number theory *800 Apr/19/2021 23:11
142 A - Collecting Coins PyPy 3 math *800 Apr/18/2021 23:23
141 A - Add Odd or Subtract Even PyPy 3 greedy implementation math *800 Apr/18/2021 23:06
140 A - Brain's Photos PyPy 3 implementation *800 Apr/18/2021 22:50
139 A - Polycarp's Pockets PyPy 3 implementation *800 Apr/17/2021 23:51
138 A - Required Remainder PyPy 3 math *800 Apr/17/2021 23:42
137 A - Orac and Factors PyPy 3 math *900 Apr/17/2021 23:32
136 B - Balanced Array Python 3 constructive algorithms math *800 Apr/16/2021 23:56
135 A - Average Height Python 3 constructive algorithms *800 Apr/16/2021 23:39
134 B - TMT Document Python 3 greedy *1100 Apr/16/2021 23:39
133 B - Teams Forming Python 3 sortings *800 Apr/15/2021 23:56
132 A - Equalize Prices Again Python 3 math *800 Apr/15/2021 23:54
131 A - Fafa and his Company Python 3 brute force implementation *800 Apr/15/2021 23:53
130 A - Olesya and Rodion Python 3 math *1000 Apr/15/2021 23:52
129 A - Mahmoud and Ehab and the even-odd game Python 3 games math *800 Apr/15/2021 03:37
128 A - Cards Python 3 implementation sortings strings *800 Apr/15/2021 01:58
127 A - Minimal Square Python 3 greedy math *800 Apr/14/2021 22:46
126 A - The number of positions Python 3 math *1000 Apr/14/2021 22:45
125 A - Multiplication Table Python 3 implementation number theory *1000 Apr/13/2021 23:59
124 C - Yet Another Card Deck PyPy 3 brute force data structures implementation trees *1100 Apr/13/2021 01:42
123 A - Omkar and Completion Python 3 constructive algorithms implementation *800 Apr/12/2021 23:58
122 A - Review Site Python 3 greedy *800 Apr/12/2021 23:36
121 B - GCD Length Python 3 constructive algorithms math number theory *1100 Apr/12/2021 23:35
120 B - Kana and Dragon Quest game Python 3 greedy implementation math *900 Apr/11/2021 23:53
119 A - Ichihime and Triangle Python 3 constructive algorithms math *800 Apr/11/2021 23:52
118 A - Array and Peaks Python 3 constructive algorithms implementation *800 Apr/11/2021 23:37
117 B - Almost Rectangle Python 3 implementation *800 Apr/10/2021 23:44
116 A - Spy Detected! Python 3 brute force implementation *800 Apr/10/2021 23:43
115 A - Dreamoon and Stairs Python 3 implementation math *1000 Apr/10/2021 00:05
114 B - Sale Python 3 greedy sortings *900 Apr/09/2021 23:49
113 A - Soft Drinking Python 3 implementation math *800 Apr/08/2021 23:58
112 A - Holiday Of Equality Python 3 implementation math *800 Apr/08/2021 23:55
111 A - Pangram Python 3 implementation strings *800 Apr/07/2021 23:55
110 A - Cheap Travel Python 3 implementation *1200 Apr/07/2021 23:54
109 C - Balance the Bits Python 3 brute force constructive algorithms greedy *1600 Apr/07/2021 23:27
108 B - Honest Coach Python 3 greedy sortings *800 Apr/06/2021 23:44
107 A - Common Subsequence Python 3 brute force *800 Apr/06/2021 23:34
106 A - Combination Lock Python 3 implementation *800 Apr/06/2021 23:26
105 A - Maximum in Table Python 3 brute force implementation *800 Apr/05/2021 23:57
104 B - Flip the Bits Python 3 constructive algorithms greedy implementation math *1200 Apr/05/2021 23:47
103 B - Balls of Steel Python 3 brute force geometry greedy *1000 Apr/05/2021 23:33
102 A - Minutes Before the New Year Python 3 math *800 Apr/04/2021 23:29
101 A - Road To Zero Python 3 greedy math *1000 Apr/04/2021 23:25
100 A - Again Twenty Five! Python 3 number theory *800 Apr/04/2021 23:09
99 B - Vanya and Lanterns Python 3 binary search implementation math sortings *1200 Apr/04/2021 00:16
98 A - Array with Odd Sum Python 3 math *800 Apr/03/2021 23:52
97 A - Déjà Vu Python 3 constructive algorithms strings *800 Apr/03/2021 23:24
96 A - Floor Number Python 3 implementation math *800 Apr/03/2021 23:10
95 C - Registration System Python 3 data structures hashing implementation *1300 Apr/02/2021 23:51
94 B - Taxi Python 3 *special problem greedy implementation *1100 Apr/02/2021 23:46
93 C - Fibonacci Words Python 3 *special problem implementation *1400 Apr/01/2021 23:51
92 B - DMCA Python 3 *special problem implementation number theory *1600 Apr/01/2021 23:29
91 A - Is it rated - 2 Python 3 *special problem implementation interactive *900 Apr/01/2021 23:14
90 A - Array Rearrangment Python 3 greedy sortings *800 Mar/31/2021 23:06
89 B - Numbers Box Python 3 greedy math *1000 Mar/31/2021 23:06
88 A - Box is Pull Python 3 math *800 Mar/31/2021 23:06
87 A - Vanya and Cubes Python 3 implementation *800 Mar/30/2021 23:54
86 A - Sum of Round Numbers Python 3 implementation math *800 Mar/30/2021 23:53
85 B - Box Fitting Java 11 binary search bitmasks data structures greedy *1300 Mar/30/2021 19:38
84 A - Raising Bacteria Python 3 bitmasks *1000 Mar/29/2021 23:49
83 A - GCD Sum Python 3 brute force math *800 Mar/29/2021 23:20
82 A - Fox And Snake Python 3 implementation *800 Mar/29/2021 00:03
81 A - Candies Java 11 brute force math *900 Mar/28/2021 23:48
80 D - Epic Transformation Java 11 constructive algorithms data structures greedy *1400 Mar/28/2021 14:32
79 C - Double-ended Strings Java 11 brute force implementation strings *1000 Mar/28/2021 01:54
78 A - Magical Sticks Python 3 math *800 Mar/27/2021 23:53
77 B - Multiply by 2, divide by 6 Python 3 math *900 Mar/27/2021 00:40
76 A - Bachgold Problem Python 3 greedy implementation math number theory *800 Mar/27/2021 00:22
75 A - Phoenix and Balance Python 3 greedy math *800 Mar/27/2021 00:12
74 A - New Year Candles Python 3 implementation *1000 Mar/26/2021 23:44
73 B - Partial Replacement Python 3 greedy implementation *1100 Mar/26/2021 23:19
72 A - Vasya and Socks Python 3 brute force implementation math *900 Mar/25/2021 23:55
71 B - Xenia and Ringroad Python 3 implementation *1000 Mar/25/2021 23:45
70 A - Strange Table Python 3 math *800 Mar/25/2021 23:22
69 A - Choosing Teams Python 3 greedy implementation sortings *800 Mar/24/2021 23:58
68 A - Police Recruits Python 3 implementation *800 Mar/24/2021 23:43
67 A - Restoring Three Numbers Python 3 math *800 Mar/24/2021 23:20
66 B - Drinks Python 3 implementation math *800 Mar/24/2021 23:15
65 A - New Year and Hurry Python 3 binary search brute force implementation math *800 Mar/24/2021 00:03
64 A - Vasya the Hipster Python 3 implementation math *800 Mar/23/2021 23:53
63 A - Arrival of the General Python 3 implementation *800 Mar/23/2021 23:42
62 A - Game With Sticks Python 3 implementation *900 Mar/23/2021 01:06
61 A - Dragons Java 11 greedy sortings *1000 Mar/23/2021 00:52
60 A - Candies and Two Sisters Java 11 math *800 Mar/22/2021 23:34
59 A - Games Java 11 brute force *800 Mar/22/2021 23:20
58 A - Anton and Letters Java 11 constructive algorithms implementation *800 Mar/22/2021 22:59
57 A - Is your horseshoe on the other hoof? GNU C++17 implementation *800 Mar/21/2021 23:27
56 A - New Year Transportation GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs implementation *1000 Mar/21/2021 23:21
55 A - Prison Break Python 3 constructive algorithms *800 Mar/21/2021 22:52
54 A - Divisibility Problem GNU C++17 math *800 Mar/20/2021 23:57
53 A - Gravity Flip GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings *900 Mar/20/2021 23:29
52 A - Ultra-Fast Mathematician GNU C++17 implementation *800 Mar/20/2021 21:39
51 B - Unique Bid Auction GNU C++17 implementation *800 Mar/20/2021 00:52
50 A - Anton and Polyhedrons Python 3 implementation strings *800 Mar/20/2021 00:02
49 A - I Wanna Be the Guy Python 3 greedy implementation *800 Mar/19/2021 23:51
48 A - Magnets Python 3 implementation *800 Mar/19/2021 22:52
47 B - Binary Removals Python 3 brute force dp greedy implementation *1000 Mar/18/2021 23:48
46 A - Domino on Windowsill Python 3 combinatorics constructive algorithms math *800 Mar/18/2021 22:49
45 C2 - k-LCM (hard version) Python 3 constructive algorithms math *1600 Mar/18/2021 02:22
44 B - M-arrays Python 3 constructive algorithms greedy math *1200 Mar/18/2021 00:58
43 A - Meximization Python 3 brute force data structures greedy sortings *800 Mar/17/2021 23:34
42 C1 - k-LCM (easy version) Python 3 constructive algorithms math *1200 Mar/17/2021 23:33
41 A - Expression Python 3 brute force math *1000 Mar/17/2021 16:10
40 A - cAPS lOCK Python 3 implementation strings *1000 Mar/16/2021 23:29
39 A - Even Odds Python 3 math *900 Mar/16/2021 23:19
38 A - In Search of an Easy Problem Python 3 implementation *800 Mar/15/2021 23:20
37 A - Presents Python 3 implementation *800 Mar/15/2021 23:16
36 A - Vanya and Fence Python 3 implementation *800 Mar/15/2021 23:04
35 B - Queue at the School Python 3 constructive algorithms graph matchings implementation shortest paths *800 Mar/15/2021 23:00
34 A - Calculating Function Python 3 implementation math *800 Mar/14/2021 23:56
33 A - Hulk Python 3 implementation *800 Mar/14/2021 23:49
32 A - Translation Python 3 implementation strings *800 Mar/14/2021 23:28
31 A - Lucky Division Python 3 brute force number theory *1000 Mar/14/2021 23:25
30 C - Going Home Python 3 brute force implementation math *1800 Mar/14/2021 16:29
29 D1 - Sage's Birthday (easy version) Python 3 binary search constructive algorithms greedy sortings *1000 Mar/13/2021 23:39
28 B - Napoleon Cake Python 3 dp implementation sortings *900 Mar/13/2021 23:14
27 A - Alexey and Train Python 3 implementation *800 Mar/13/2021 23:13
26 A - HQ9+ Python 3 implementation *900 Mar/13/2021 22:51
25 B - Card Deck Python 3 data structures greedy math *1100 Mar/12/2021 21:29
24 B - Eastern Exhibition Python 3 binary search geometry shortest paths sortings *1500 Mar/12/2021 19:43
23 B - Inflation Python 3 binary search brute force greedy math *1300 Mar/12/2021 17:28
22 A - Boring Apartments Python 3 implementation math *800 Mar/11/2021 23:17
21 C - Diamond Miner Python 3 geometry greedy sortings *1200 Mar/11/2021 16:50
20 B - Max and Mex Python 3 math *1100 Mar/11/2021 15:23
19 A - Split it! Python 3 brute force constructive algorithms greedy strings *900 Mar/11/2021 14:24
18 A - George and Accommodation Python 3 implementation *800 Mar/10/2021 23:33
17 A - Even Subset Sum Problem Python 3 brute force dp greedy implementation *800 Mar/10/2021 23:22
16 B - Make Product Equal One Python 3 dp implementation *900 Mar/10/2021 23:13
15 A - Kefa and First Steps Python 3 brute force dp implementation *900 Mar/10/2021 22:34
14 A - Subset Mex Python 3 greedy implementation math *900 Mar/09/2021 23:59
13 A - Bad Triangle Python 3 geometry math *800 Mar/09/2021 23:16
12 A - Remove Smallest Python 3 greedy sortings *800 Mar/09/2021 22:57
11 A - In-game Chat Python 3 implementation *800 Mar/09/2021 22:41
10 A - Twins Python 3 greedy sortings *900 Mar/08/2021 23:58
9 A - Way Too Long Words PyPy 3 strings *800 Aug/17/2020 19:19
8 A - Theatre Square Python 3 math *1000 Aug/17/2020 18:53
7 B - Omkar and Infinity Clock Python 3 implementation math *800 Aug/17/2020 00:49
6 A - Omkar and Password Python 3 greedy math *800 Aug/16/2020 20:54
5 A - FashionabLee Python 3 geometry math *800 Jun/23/2020 20:14
4 A - Maximum GCD Python 3 greedy implementation math number theory *800 Jun/20/2020 20:39
3 B - Even Array Python 3 greedy math *800 Jun/16/2020 21:38
2 A - Short Substrings Python 3 implementation strings *800 Jun/16/2020 21:03
1 A - Watermelon Python 3 brute force math *800 Jun/16/2020 19:46