
Srishti 2019

Primary LanguageC++


The New and Cool Way of advertising

Final Model


The idea of this project is to make a cool and unique 3D Spherical Display.The team of 5 freshers did our best to make the spherical display ,displaying the phenomenon of Persistence Of Vision using a ring rotating at a very high rpm with a LED strip on its circumference which was adjusted to glow so as to make the model capable of displaying floating text,user entered words,and blurred images.


The main driving force about this project was that it was different ,different than the core models with moving servo motors, controlled by programs, it was cool ,has speed has a colorful look and is a bit unique.

Mechanical Sructure

It consists of a ring (which we made out of a badminton raquet) mounted on a heavy cardboard(to decrease the vibrations of rotating ring),it also consisted of a slip ring(self made using an stainless steel cylinder,copper wires and rubber bands!!).

Mech Model

Electronic Component Used

  1. Arduino UNO
  2. Cytron Motor Driver
  3. Hall Sensor
  4. High Torque Bane-Bot 18W DC Motor
  5. Adressable -RGB LED strip(60LEDs/m)(20 LEDs on the semicirle


Principle The Persistence Of Vision phenomenon

  • The ring with LEDs mounted on it was rotated at around 1500 rpm so as to give effect of 25fps display
  • The feedback for completion of a revolution was taken using hall sensor mounted on the side .
  • According to the feedback from hall sensor, angular velocity and time period of every revolution was calculated
  • dividing the revolution time into various segments, the LEDs were lighted according to the printed text;
  • The whole system was powered by 12V LiPo battery and power was transmitted to LEDs using slip ring.

Cost Structure

Item Cost(₹)
LED strip 2k
Bane Bot 18V DC motor 15k
The arduino UNO 400
Cytron Motor Driver 1k
The hall Sensor,wires,voltage regulator etc.(other electronics) 800
Total 19.2 k
Overall it was descent for its cost.


  • At present we are able to diaplay 4-5 alphabet words since the adrduino UNO clock has least delay of 1ms ,the individual vertical strips expanded due to a large time difference between them, which made the letters wide.
  • At present ,if we try to show some images ,they appear distorted due to the above limitation and the unavailability of higher density LED strip.
  • The present slip ring isn't that efficient in, it when operated at angular velocity higher than 1500 rpm,it starts to show noise in the data cable, making the display bad.

Future Improvements

  • To increase the number of alphabets covered.
  • To display images and if more advanced ,videos.

Team Members

  1. Chanda Kumari
  2. Kshitij Bithel
  3. Lipi Shreya
  4. Sanyam Jain
  5. Vivek Kumar


  1. Aditya Raj
  2. Prashant Kumar
  3. Tarun Saxena
  4. Tejaswa Soni
  5. Vedvyas Dhanturi

Team Members


* Build Your POV Globe -Makezine

For Videos and More Images Click here