
shopping website using nodejs express express-handlebars and mongodb.

Primary LanguageCSS

Shopping_cart Ecommerce website

Shopping cart is an ecommerce website for needy people and physially disabled. they can use this website to order groceries online.They can select things to order and do digital payment.The delivery boy will come to doorstep to deliever the things in less than 2 hours.

How to run website on local machine

##Techstack Here we have used mongodb for backend and Nodejs with express.js to wtite backend. Frontend is writtien in HTML,CSS and javascript.

  1. first install Nodejs and Mongodb on your system.

    Please use 12.16.1 LTS version of Nodejs.

  2. To run mongodb .use command -> mongod
  3. To run express server. use command -> npm run start
  4. then type in local machine browser url -> localhost:3000