About The Project: Real-Time Chat Application(much like Discord) with chat rooms: 1)Join Page: Enter User Name and Room Name to join. 2)Chat-Room Page: The actual chat-room: - Sidebar consisting of all connected clients to that particular room - Main messages form showing messages with user name and timestamps. - Anti-Profanity Filter - Autoscroll feature activated only while you're at the end of conversation as an added UI Feature. - Current Location Share Feature using Mdn Geolocation API - Input Box with Auto Focus after submit. - Send & Send Location Button with temporary disablity while sending waiting for callback. - Tried, Tested and Robust.
Built With
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Socket.io
- Nodemon
- Geolocation
- Mustache
- Moment
- Query Selector
Contact: Shubham Agarwal - shubham_ag@outlook.com
Project Link: https://shubham-realtime-chat.herokuapp.com/