
A program which interacts between humans with some VOICE commands.

Primary LanguagePython

Jarvis(Version 1)

Only for linux system(Any *nix-based OS)

Personal Assistant Using Python Programming

Can be thought of three parts


pip3 install SpeechRecognition

pip3 install requests

pip3 install beautifulsoup4

Available VOICE Commands:

jarvis play music  -- randomly plays a song

jarvis play 'particular_song' -- play a particular song....example...jarvis play lean on

jarvis open website/s --- open the website/s eg. jarvis open facebook / facebook google youtube

jarvis search 'query' ---- searches in google .eg.jarvis search david guetta

jarvis stop music/song -----stop the playing music if playing

jarvis what is playing ---- tells what is playing

jarvis read notification/notifications

jarvis read message/mesages

jarvis what is time   -----  tells time

jarvis read fortune  ---- reads fortune

jarvis read new/news ---- reads top 5 news from Google Feed