
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting Started

node version 12.13.0

npm version 6.12.0


Yarn Installation

npm install --global yarn

Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/JakcinManoj/Hotel_App.git
cd hotel-app

Install the dependencies:

yarn install

and create a new file .env in hotel-backend/services/* if not present, It requires credentials for mongodb so if not present ask the owner or create it.


Running app locally:

yarn start

the app will run on http://localhost:9000

Project Structure

 |--services\       # Apollo Federation services and gateway
    |--foods\       # Foods service
    |--gateway\     # Graphql gateway
    |--users\       # users service
 |--services\       # Single SPA microfrontend
    |--api\         # Graphql apollo client service
    |--auth\        # Authentication app
    |--food\        # Food order app
    |--root-config\ # root config for single spa
    |--styleguide\  # Common components and styles