Welcome to the Pizza App project! This application allows users to manage and order pizzas.
git clone https://github.com/your-username/pizza-app.git
cd pizza-app
npm install
npm start
The server will run on the specified port, and you should see "Server is running on http://localhost:3000" in the console.
- index.js: The main entry point of the application where the Express app is configured and the server is started.
- models/pizzaModel.js: Defines the Mongoose schema for the pizzas collection.
- controllers/pizzaController.js: Contains controller functions for handling CRUD operations on the pizzas collection.
- Router/pizzaRoutes.js: Contains the Express routes for handling CRUD operations on the pizzas collection.
- Router/orderRoutes.js: Contains the Express routes for handling orders.
Get All Pizzas:
Method: GET
Description: Get a list of all pizzas.
Get Single Pizza
Method: GET
Description: Get details of a single pizza by its ID.
Create a New Pizza
URL: /api/pizzas
Method: POST
Description: Create a new pizza. Requires a JSON body with pizza details.
Example JSON body:
"name": "Margherita",
"size": "medium",
"toppings": ["tomato sauce", "mozzarella", "basil"],
"totalAmount": 12.99
Get All Orders:
URL: /api/orders
Method: GET
Description: Get a list of all orders.
Create a New Order
URL: /api/orders
Method: POST
Description: Place a new order. Requires a JSON body with order details.
Example JSON body:
"customerName": "John Doe",
"pizzas": ["pizzaId1",pizzaId2],
"totalAmount": 25.99,
"mobileNumber": 1234567890
The project uses Mongoose to connect to a MongoDB database. The connection URL is specified in the .env file.
Feel free to contribute to the project by opening issues or creating pull requests. Your feedback and contributions are highly appreciated!