It is a very simple app which uses Microsoft authentication for user login and admin panel login. It uses the Microsoft authentication library for Python (msal).
Standard pip install:
pip install django-microsoft-authentication
- First create an App in There one needs to create set up for authentication. The details can be found here:
- Add the following microsoft app authentication configuration to file. (e.g. below, please replace redirect and logout_uri with correct domain)
"app_id": "YOUR_APP_ID_HERE",
"app_secret": "YOUR_APP_SECRET_HERE",
"redirect": "http://localhost:8000/microsoft_authentication/callback",
"scopes": [""],
"authority": "", # or using tenant "{tenant}",
"valid_email_domains": ["<list_of_valid_domains>"],
"logout_uri": "http://localhost:8000/admin/logout"
- Add the following line to to change the LOGIN_URL and LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL settings.
LOGIN_URL = "/microsoft_authentication/login"
LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = "/admin" # optional and can be changed to any other url
# True: creates new Django User after valid microsoft authentication.
# False: it will only allow those users which are already created in Django User model and
# will validate the email using Microsoft.
MICROSOFT_CREATE_NEW_DJANGO_USER = True # Optional, default value is True
MICROSOFT_NEW_DJANGO_USER_IS_STAFF = True # Optional, default value is True
- Add 'microsoft_authentication' to INSTALLED_APPS
- Add the following to the project/
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path, include
urlpatterns = [
# Add the following line
path('microsoft_authentication/', include('microsoft_authentication.urls'))
- In templates
Use "{% url 'microsoft_authentication:microsoft_authentication_login' %}" as login url
Use "{% url 'microsoft_authentication:microsoft_authentication_logout' %}" as logout url
- It authenticates the user using their microsoft email and microsoft authentication.
- It also verifies if the domain of the microsoft authenticated email is also in MICROSOFT["valid_email_domains"]
- After the first two steps of authentication, if the user is not found, it creates a new user but with no access to any apps in admin panel.
- Superusers can assign User Groups to the users for Group based access to views.
This app provides a decorator which can be used as follows:
from django.http import HttpResponse
from microsoft_authentication.auth.auth_decorators import microsoft_login_required
def home(request):
return HttpResponse("Logged in")
# If pages need to be restricted to certain groups of users.
@microsoft_login_required(groups=("SpecificGroup1", "SpecificGroup2")) # Add here the list of Group names
def specific_group_access(request):
return HttpResponse("You are accessing page which is accessible only to users belonging to SpecificGroup1 or SpecificGroup2")
- Use http://localhost:8000 instead of because session cookies are set differently for these urls.