
Capstone Project - Pneumonia Detection and Localiazation

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Capstone Project - Pneumonia Detection and Localiazation

Please find below steps

  1. First download data from below kaggle source https://www.kaggle.com/c/rsna-pneumonia-detection-challenge/data

  2. Extract Data in your folder and copy-paste the below file in given folder stage_2_test_images,stage_2_train_images stage_2_train_labels,stage_2_sample_submission, stage_2_detailed_class_info

  3. if you are trying to run the code on local-machine (using GPU) activate your GPU env. Analys the images run - CAPSTONE-EDA.ipynb & to train n predict test images run - Densenet121_unet.ipynb,Mobilenet_unet.ipynb MaskRCNN.ipynb

    note : if path error comes please change paths mentions in model files Also try to use google colab for more effective utilization of GPU and RAM