Backend API for fetching the latest videos for a predefined search query and save them in database.
Has flexible search option for finding videos saved in database.
Continuously calls the youtube-api in background to fetch latest videos. (This may exhaust the api quota, so storing multiple api-keys in database is recommended)
Automated use of next API_KEY from database if current quota gets exhausted.
Key storage format in database -
_id: 'jdurn73388',
keyNumber: 1,
apiKey: 'jdjfkbdhdk',
used: 0,
npm install
Open vars.env and enter your credentials...(MONGO_URI, YOUTUBE_SEARCH_QUERY)
Store the api_keys in database (follow the format given above)
nodemon app
Get all videos in paginated response - localhost:3000/api/getAllVideos?page=1
Get search results in a paginated response - localhost:3000/api/search?page=1&searchQuery=football
For navigating to next page, change the 'page' value in url.
To search saved videos, change the 'searchQuery' value in url.
-License: ISC