
"Assignment for DE git"

Primary LanguagePython


Building a branching model


Fig.1 - History of Commits in my Repository.

5 Branches -

  • Production (master)
  • Integration
  • HotFix
  • feature1
  • feature2

Step : 1

  • First, I've set up the Github repository and cloned it locally and next, Main Branch, a branching off of HotFix and Integration Branch, was developed.

Step : 2

  • Make feature1 and feature2 Branches from the Integration Branch. Add some changes and then adding 2 reviewers who made merging for the pull request to Integration.

Step : 3

  • Change and commit in feature1 in Local Environment. However, we now seek to act before the merge that occurred in the origin/feature2 Therefore, we run the 'git pull —rebase' command to rebase. This implies that when we pull from the remote, our local commit will come first.

Step : 4

  • Production(main) and HotFix branches now include changes from the Integration branch.

Step : 5

  • Changes are developed on the HotFix branch and are integrated into the Integration and Production branch.

Step : 6

  • feature1, feature2, and HotFix branches were ultimately deleted after completing the before mentioned processes.

Commands :

  • git clone - To clone the repository
  • git log --online - To view the current logs graph for the repository
  • git push - To push the local changes onto origin
  • git pull - To pull changes from origin to local git pull
  • git checkout - To navigate between the branches created by git branch git checkout
  • git branch - To create or delete branches: git branch
  • git checkout -d [branch name] - To delete a particular branch git checkout -d [branch name]
  • git checkout -b [branch name] - To switch in a branch or create then switch to that branch if it doesn't exist git checkout -b [branch name]


feature-2 to integration deletedfeature-2 1 2 3 4 5