
A quiz based on concepts of vue.js, which I beleive are very vital and a vue-developer must have a firm understanding of.

Primary LanguageVue


Hello fellow developers, this is a quiz/question Bank where I have put a few questions based on vue.js, which I beieve are among the core concepts of vue.js and every vue-deveoper must have firm hold over these.


If you feel you can add more to it and help the vue-community people to check or test there concepts of vue, be my guest to contribute to it.


I am fellow developer, please ignore any typo.

Clone this repository or download it on your system

  • require node

npm install

run the following command to install all the required dependencies.


If(router is not installed)

npm install --save vue-router

npm run serve

*runs it on your local server

npm run build

Run the following command to create a production build Note that the development build is not optimized.