
Example of Lightweight MapReduce in python

Primary LanguagePython


Example of Lightweight MapReduce in python

Getting Started

  • Example from mincemeat example

Execute this script on the server:

python example.py

Run mincemeat.py as a worker on a client:

python mincemeat.py -p changeme [server address]

And the server will print out:

{'a': 2, 'on': 1, 'great': 1, 'Humpty': 3, 'again': 1, 'wall': 1, 'Dumpty': 2, 'men': 1, 'had': 1, 'all': 1, 'together': 1, "King's": 2, 'horses': 1, 'All': 1, "Couldn't": 1, 'fall': 1, 'and': 1, 'the': 2, 'put': 1, 'sat': 1}

Doing More

Math Stats

Math stats - mathstats.py - Given a text file name on the command-line containing one number per line, print out the sum, count, and standard-deviation of all the numbers in the file. All statistics should be found in one pass through the data.

python mathstats.py small.txt
python mathstats.py medium.txt
python mathstats.py large.txt

Letter Frequency

Letter Frequency - freq.py - Given a text file name on the command-line containing a text document, print out the number of times each character is used, along with the percent of the total with 2 decimal places. Sort the output so the most seen character is on the bottom.

python freq.py smalldick.txt
python freq.py mobydick.txt

Password Cracking

Password cracking - passCrack.py - Given a string of characters on the command line, find what string hashes to it. Passwords are sometimes stored in a hashed form, so if the database is breached, the passwords are not easily usable. For this assignment, assume we have a hash of a password in hex form. Given this hash on the command line, find what password hashes to it. Only the first 5 characters of the hash are checked. Assume passwords are 4 or fewer characters containing only lowercase letters and numbers. Use MapReduce to quickly look through all combinations for a match. Print out the input hash string and the valid passwords which hash to it, if any. Use hashlib md5 hexdigest()and use the first 5 characters.

python passCrack.py d077f
#this might take a good 15 minutes
# expected answer {'found': ['cat', 'gkf9']}

python passCrack.py 0832c
# expected answer {'found': ['cats', 'zb8e']}

I would sping multiple servers when running this command.