Practising React with Namaste Javascript tutorials

No copyright infringement.

using resources/URL for learning purpose only.


  • Dev Build
  • Local Server
  • HMR : Hot Module Replacement
  • File watching algorithm - Written in C++
  • Caching - Faster builds
  • Image Optimization
  • Minification
  • Bundling
  • Compress
  • Consistent Hashing
  • Code Splitting
  • Differential Bundling - support older browsers
  • Diagnostics
  • Error Handling
  • Tree shaking : remove unsed code

Reconciliation Algorith(React Fiber)

  • New way of finding the div and updating the DOM.

2 Types of routing in web apps

  • Client Side Routing : Normal react routing where no network call is done and all the code is in the app.
  • Server Side Routing : When you clicks on a route, network call is made and the html comes from the server and renders on the web app.

Lazy Loading using lazy and Suspense

  • const = lazy(() => import());
  • Router under : We do this because component takes time to load and the react gets to know we are lazy loading the component.