
An open-source, scalable, decentralized, robust, heterogeneous file storage solution which is fault tolerant, replicated, distributed and lets you upload, download, and see the catalog of other cluster with low latency and LRU cache capabilities.

Primary LanguagePython

Distributed File Storage

Project Fluffy is an open-source, scalable, decentralized, robust, heterogeneous file storage solution which ensures that multiple servers can inter-operate to form a dynamic ‘overlay’ fabric. The system supports some important design aspects such as -

  • Language Agnostic
  • System failure & recovery
  • Work-stealing algorithms
  • Scalability
  • Robustness
  • Queues to serve multiple requests simultaneously
  • Cluster Consensus (RAFT)
  • Data Replication
  • Caching Optimization
  • Efficient Searching
The following user services are currently supported (with an option to modularly add new services at any time) -
1. File Upload (supports any file type - pdf, img, avi, txt, mp4, xml, json, m4v, etc.)
2. File Download
3. File Search
4. File List (Lists all files on the system that belong to a specific user)
5. File Delete
6. File Update

This system allows many clients to have access to data and supports operations (create, delete, modify, read, write) on that data. Each data file is partitioned into several parts called chunks. Each chunk is stored on different remote machines, facilitating the parallel execution of applications.

Architecture Diagram

Link to Architecture Diagram

Technology Stack

Link to Technology Stack Diagram


  • install all depenedencies as mentioned in requirements.txt
  • Check config.yaml to configure the server IPs and other parameters.
  • Update iptable.txt to incude all the IPs in your cluster (for each individual cluster)

Starting supernode

python3 supernode.py

Strating cluster nodes

python3 server.py four
python3 server.py five
python3 server.py six

Starting client

python3 client.py