Lift-Simulation : Click Here
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- Have a page where you input the number of floors and lifts from the user(floor input completed)
- An interactive UI is generated, where we have visual depictons of lifts and buttons on floors
- Upon clicking a particular button on the floor, a lift goes to that floor
Milestone 1:
- Data store that contains the state of your application data
- JS Engine that is the controller for which lift goes where
- Dumb UI that responds to controller's commands
Milestone 2:
- Lift having doors open in 2.5s, then closing in another 2.5s
- Lift moving at 2s per floor
- Lift stopping at every floor where it was called
- Mobile friendly design
When I improve this project, I would like to add background lift sound when i click simulate button
I learn how to use transition properties, how to apply css by using javascript, Dom manupulation, to make lift simulation every device friendly we learn how to apply media query on javascript.
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