Hospital Management System (HMS) Documentation

Introduction The Hospital Management System (HMS) is a simplified web application that demonstrates patient records management, user authentication, and appointment scheduling for a fictional hospital. This documentation outlines the key components, functionalities, and technologies used in the HMS.

Table of Contents Overview

Introduction Key Features Technologies Used Frontend

User Interfaces Interaction with Backend Security Considerations

Secure Data Storage User Authentication Input Validation HTTPS Communication Overview Introduction The Hospital Management System (HMS) is a web-based application designed to manage patient records, appointments, and user authentication. It showcases a simplified implementation of an HMS with a focus on frontend functionality and security practices.

Key Features

User Authentication: Users can register, log in, and receive JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for secure access. Patient Records Management: Allows the addition and listing of patient records. Appointment Scheduling: Supports scheduling appointments for patients. Security Considerations: Basic security practices are implemented, including password hashing, JWT authentication, and CORS handling.

Technologies Used

HTML, CSS, JavaScript JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication Frontend User Interfaces Frontend interfaces include registration and login forms for users and forms for adding patients and scheduling appointments. The user interfaces should be designed for user-friendliness.

Interaction with Backend The frontend communicates with the backend using AJAX or the fetch API. It makes HTTP requests to the backend routes for user registration, login, and patient record management. The frontend interacts with the backend to create, read, update, and delete patient records and appointments. It also handles user registration and login, securely passing JWTs to the backend for authentication.

Security Considerations

In a production environment, the following security considerations are vital:

Secure Data Storage

Securely store and manage JWT secret keys.

User Authentication Use strong password hashing techniques (e.g., bcrypt) to protect user passwords. Input Validation Perform thorough input validation and sanitization to prevent security vulnerabilities (e.g., SQL injection, XSS attacks). Validate and sanitize user input both on the frontend and backend.

HTTPS Communication Implement HTTPS for secure communication between the frontend and backend. Use TLS/SSL certificates to encrypt data in transit.