
CSE 512 - Distributed Database Systems

Primary LanguagePython

Distributed Database Systems

1. Database Sharding

Simulate data partitioning approaches on-top of an open source relational database management system (PostgreSQL) and build a simplified query processor that access data from the generated partitions. Functions implemented -

  • rangePartition(), roundRobinPartition()
  • roundRobinInsert(), rangeInsert()
  • rangeQuery(), pointQuery()

2. Multithreaded Sort and Join

Implement generic parallel sort and parallel join algorithms for an RDBMS. Functions implemented -

  • parallelSort(), parallelJoin()

3. Map Reduce

Write a map-reduce program using Hadoop MapReduce framework that performs equijoin on input from a file.

4. Hotspot Analysis

  • Analyzed NYC taxi trip data on Apache spark distributed system running on HDFS.
  • Performed geospatial data analysis using Spark SQL by performing point query, range query, Hot zone, and Hot cell analysis.

5. NoSQL database

Perform some textual and spatial searching on MongoDB. Functions implemeted -

  • FindBusinessBasedOnCity(cityToSearch, saveLocation1, collection)
  • FindBusinessBasedOnLocation(categoriesToSearch, myLocation, maxDistance, saveLocation2, collection)